
Have you ever used a JSON prettier tool online to format your JSON file? or needed to show something as JSON on the web inside the HTML page? This is the solution for it. Ao online json prettier built with Angular ❤️

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



pipeline: lint-build-deploy

This project is generated using angular-material-starter-template

Though I have used Angular for this project but core logic applies to every framework and vanilla javascript.

Written for blog published at Pretty-Print colorful JSON inside HTML 🌟


Angular materialUI TailwindCSS

How to run this project

Make sure you have Angular and Node installed on your system

  1. clone the repo - run git clone https://github.com/sardapv/json-prettier.git
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm run start
  4. open http://localhost:4200 in browser

Any feature addition, PRs welcome ✌🏻

Do leave a 🌟 on repo if you find this helpful.