
A Toggl Track time logger as a Discord bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple way to save time logs on Toggl Track by messaging a Discord bot


  1. Install dependencies: npm i or yarn
  2. Fill in the required constants in a file config.json (see below)
  3. You are good to go

The config.json file

Create a file named config.json and paste the following:

    "discordToken": "your Discord bot token",
    "togglApiToken": "Toggl user token, can be found at https://track.toggl.com/profile",
    "workspaceId": 0,
    "timeZoneOffset": 330,
    "discordUserId": "Your Discord user ID",
    "projectCodes": {
        "example": 10000

Timezone offset is the total number of minutes that need to be deducted to convert your local timezone to GMT.

For example, Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5h 30m ahead of GMT, which means 330 minutes must be deducted from current time to get the current GMT time. Thus TIMEZONE_OFFSET=330

The project codes

These are a single lowercase word to represent your project for which the log is to be added.


Simply send a DM message to the bot, where each line represents one time log.

The format is:

startTime - endTime ProjectCode Description for this log

Where time must be in 24 hour HH:MM format.

A sample message is:

7:00 - 9:14 code Worked on toggl-discord-timelogger
13:34 - 14:03 study Studied for next exam

Here code and study represent the codes for Toggl projects that I might have specified in index.js as:

"projectCodes": {
    "code": 200712959,
    "study": 200712960,