
Collection of combat and stealth tweaks for starfield to change the game difficulty

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Stealth and Combat Tweaks


A collection of tweaks to game settings that increase the difficulty and realism of stealth and combat. I'm releasing this as I was practicing with using Spriggit to go from ESM to Yaml and storing that in git. These are just the settings that I use for my game.


You need Spriggit to convert from ESM to Yaml and back. Feel free to fork it and submit a pull request to introduce changes to game settings. You can also submit issues if something should be changed. Github actions are set up to build a nightly release and a release on tags. Go easy on me, I suck at git and DevOps and I'm just doing this to learn more.


Several changes have been make and the records that are modified can be seen here: https://github.com/0xDezzy/Stealth-and-Combat-Tweaks/tree/main/spriggit/GameSettings

A general summary of changes can be seen below:


  • NPC's will shoot their weapon more often
  • NPC's have a quicker reaction time
  • NPC's Accuracy has been increased
  • NPC's will use grenades more often
  • NPC's will stay suppressed longer
  • NPC's will shoot more before trying to reload
  • Enemy NPC's will be more aggressive
  • NPC's will use cover more
  • Removed bullet sponges
  • Lowers players bonus health per level to decrease time to kill for enemies.
  • Increased damage dealt across the board


  • NPC's will search further and longer
  • NPC's senses are slightly worse
  • Light is more important
  • Reduced player sound when out of LOS
  • Reduced NPC detection cone
  • Reduced player sound generation
  • Reduced stealth penalty for running