
PoeHUD Plugin for getting the current item youre hoverings price from Poe.Ninja

Primary LanguageC#


ExileAPI Plugin for instant price data comparison.


What does it do? This plugin download poe.ninja API as a local structured data file onto your PC. The plugin can then use this data to compare with the data from ExileAPI and your client to give the user instant price check on item such as:

  • Currency
  • Divination Card
  • Essence
  • Fragment
  • Incubator
  • Oil
  • Prophecy
  • Resonator
  • Fossil
  • Scarab
  • Vial
  • Delirium Orb
  • Map
  • Unique

The plugin can also show the overall worth of a stash tab or inventory.

Item that aren't available on poe.ninja show 0c as price. Item that have multiple variant (ex: Vessel of Vinktar) show a range between the lowest and highest cost. The plugin can't differentiate between them.