
Hierarchical clean URLs in Django

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Package for creation hierarchical clean URLs in Django.


Django by default forces developers to use static URLs - by the word "static" I mean both fixed URL depth and that each URL is constant except some small chunks that change (usually instance's pk and/or slug). This works fine 'till you get some hierarchy of unpredictable depth in your models.

Consider an example:

    class Category(MPTTModel):  # MPTTModel is a class from `django-mptt`, it allows to create tree structures with Categories as nodes
        parent = TreeForeignKey('self')  # foreign key to parent Category
        slug = ...

    class Photo(models.Model):
        category = models.ForeignKey('Category')
        slug = ...

Usually you create urlpattern like this:


Therefore you restrict all your URLs to be as:


It is quite human-readable (and fast!), but you lose all Category's hierarchy. You'd better have URLs like this:


These URLs are "clean" / "semantic", and django-clean-urls will help you to create them easily.

Third-party app support

Django-clean-urls supports two main tree-structure apps for Django:

  • django-mptt
  • django-treebeard

However, it's super easy to work with any hierarchy, no matter how you organize it.


  • django (tested on but not restricted to v1.10)


TIP: All of the source code described below is available in example folder. It is a test project already set-up and ready-to-go, so you can clone and play with it (administrator login/password: admin/rootroot):

mkdir /tmp/clean_urls && cd /tmp/clean_urls
pyvenv env && source env/bin/activate
pip install django django-mptt pillow django-clean-urls
git clone https://github.com/c0ntribut0r/django-clean-urls
cd django-clean-urls/example
./manage.py runserver    

Let's create a photos portfolio (gallery) app with super-complicated hierarchy where we'll cover all use-cases of django-clean-urls.

Depth 1: Photographer

First, lets create a Photographer model (pretty easy one).

    # gallery/models.py
    from django.db import models

    class Photographer(models.Model):
        slug = models.SlugField()
        # ...

Now, lets create "clean url" pattern. Comments explain what's going on.

    # gallery/urls.py
    from django.conf.urls import url

    from clean_urls.views import CleanURLHandler

    from .models import Photographer
    from .views import HomeView, PhotographerView

    app_name = 'gallery'
    urlpatterns = [
            r'^(?P<slug>([-\w]+/)+)$',  # very generic regex
            CleanURLHandler(  # this class will do all dirty work for us
                (Photographer.objects.all(), PhotographerView.as_view()),  # search through all photographers and call PhotographerView on success
            name='generic'  # needed for reverse url resolution; call it "generic" because this url can point to many different objects

We've successfully set up simple clean url - it will fire PhotographerView at these urls:


Once CleanURLHandler gets slug jill, it searches for an instance in Photographer.objects.all() with slug field containing 'jill', and passes it to PhotographerView as instance kwarg. Now let's create the PhotographerView:

    # gallery/views.py
    from django.views.generic import DetailView

    class PhotographerView(DetailView):
        template_name = 'gallery/photographer.html'

        def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):  # already resolved instance here!
            self.instance = kwargs.pop('instance')  # save instance
            return super().dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

        def get_object(self, queryset=None):
            return self.instance  # use saved instance

One more thing to do still remains - reverse url resolution (again, see comments):

    # gallery/models.py
    from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

    class Photographer(models.Model):
        # ...
        def get_absolute_url(self):
            return reverse('gallery:generic', kwargs={'slug': self.get_slug()})  # CleanURLHandler automatically created 'get_slug' method; for this simple model it will just return self.slug

That's it - now calling Photographer.objects.get(slug='jill').get_absolute_url() will return /jill/.

Now we need to go deeper ©

Depth 2: Categories

Now let's make our app more complex. Let's allow each photographer to have his own categories tree structure. We'll use django-mptt for this purpose.

    # gallery/models.py
    from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey

    class Category(MPTTModel):
        photographer = models.ForeignKey('Photographer')
        parent = TreeForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
        slug = models.CharField('slug', max_length=32)

        def get_absolute_url(self):
            return reverse('gallery:generic', kwargs={'slug': self.get_slug()})

Have a look at new urls.py:

    urlpatterns = [
        # ...
                (Photographer.objects.all(), PhotographerView.as_view()),
                (Category.objects.all(), CategoryView.as_view()),  # here we state that Photographer may contain a Category within

Now CleanURLHandler knows that Category is Photographer's child and can access its parent through photographer field.

How does CleanURLHandler know about ForeignKey from Category to Photographer? Answer: It searches for ForeignKey or OneToOneKey from Category to Photographer. If there is exactly one such field, there will be created method called "get_parent" which follows the relation. Otherwise you need manually create "get_parent" method.

CleanURLHandler also sees that Category is of MPTTModel (it is a tree structure, in other words), and "expands" it so that slug may be like


Depth 3: Photos

We still lack photos in our gallery app. Let's fix this!

    # gallery/models.py

    class Photo(models.Model):
        categories = models.ManyToManyField('Category')
        image = models.ImageField('image')
        slug = models.SlugField()

        def get_absolute_url(self):
            return reverse('gallery:generic', kwargs={'slug': self.get_slug})

    # gallery/urls.py
        # ...
                (Photographer.objects.all(), PhotographerView.as_view()),
                (Category.objects.all(), CategoryView.as_view()),
                (Photo.objects.all(), PhotoView.as_view()),  # and Category may contain Photos within

Look carefully at models.py: any photo may reside in several categories (ManyToManyField). That's meaningful: if photo contains a person in the forest, it fits both "people" and "nature" categories. CleanURLHandler cannot guess how to get parent Category for any Photo instance, and raises an exception:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Cannot reslove relation from <class 'gallery.models.Photo'> to <class 'gallery.models.Category'>

To fix this, let's define get_parent method:

    # gallery/models.py
    class Photo(models.Model):
        categories = models.ManyToManyField('Category')

        def get_parent(self):
            return self.categories.first()  # by default, the first category will be treated as parent

So, if Photo "Maria" is in both "People" and "Nature" categories, its slug will be only one of

  • jane/people/maria/maria-on-the-shore/
  • jane/nature/maria-on-the-shore/ depending on what self.categories.first() returns.


Every model defined in CleanURLHandler also has a method get_parents which will return all parents including the instance itself - nice feature for breadcrumbs generation! For example,

    In [4]: Photo.objects.get(slug='maria-on-the-shore').get_parents()
    [<Photographer: jane>,
     <Category: People>,
     <Category: Maria>,
     <Photo: maria-on-the-shore>]