
Personal collection of Remote Administration Tool sources. Dedicated for Ax0nes Forum at Ax0nes.com for education purpose

Primary LanguagePascal

Remote Administration Tool Sources Library

/!\ This library is discontinued. Updated libraries are available soon on the Forum /!\

|  `7MM"""Mq.                                         |
|    MM   `MM.                                        |
|    MM   ,M9 `7M'   `MF'M"""MMV .gP"Ya `7MMpMMMb.    |
|    MMmmdM9    VA   ,V  '  AMV ,M'   Yb  MM    MM    |
|    MM  YM.     VA ,V     AMV  8M""""""  MM    MM    |
|    MM   `Mb.    VVV     AMV  ,YM.    ,  MM    MM    |
|  .JMML. .JMM.   ,V     AMMmmmM `Mbmmd'.JMML  JMML.  |
|                ,V    __                             |
|              OOb"    |_ | _|_ _ _  _ |_ _ . _       |
|                      |__|_)|_| (_|| )|_(_|||        |

This was made dedicated to Ax0nes members for Educational purpose. Every changes related to the source, please contact me via Telegram :)

Every copyright belongs to the original owners.

About Ax0nes

Ax0nes is a private forum for malware developer or enthusiasts to discuss and share projects and works related to malware and computer security.

Enjoy, mates!