Pinned issues
- 4
Control the reverse lookup responses (PTR records) for statically defined domain name mappings in the blocky config
#1570 opened by Tuxdude - 6
Blocky does not pick up the new certificate
#1625 opened by izidormatusov - 1
feat: allow customisation of DoH path
#1545 opened by adrianmace - 1
Scheduled CRON expression to refresh denylists/allowlists
#1566 opened by hugochc - 0
Trouble with CNAME records in v0.24
#1644 opened by asianpianoman - 3
- 0
customDNS to group different hosts
#1643 opened by mhymny - 1
When upstream is unavailable, blocky returns "Not Ready" responses for queries that do not rely on upstream
#1639 opened by ideabucket - 4
Initial CPU spike at start up, seems to be around requesting blocklists?
#1549 opened by dalanmiller - 0
Conditional forwarding exclusions (pinpoint DNS zones)
#1631 opened by tehmacs - 1
Custom DNS local network config
#1620 opened by neumachen - 1
What is Cached Negative?
#1623 opened by ChitranshuV - 3
- 2
blocky not writing to mariadb docker container
#1547 opened by panks21 - 5
Unable to create Systemd Service
#1616 opened by ChitranshuV - 2
- 2
CIDR denylists
#1599 opened by mrbluecoat - 0
Prefetch errors: Network is unreachable
#1617 opened by ChitranshuV - 11
Errors in container without IPv6
#1546 opened by onovy - 2
disabling specialUseDomains not working
#1613 opened by mapl - 2
one upstream server and strict.. double queries?
#1536 opened by bcookatpcsd - 9
Feature request - Config sync
#1612 opened by imp1sh - 7
Custom DNS wildcard for subdomains only
#1515 opened by starsoccer - 3
Conditional DNS resolution for wildcards of TLD
#1521 opened by Tuxdude - 0
Issues building blocky from source
#1603 opened by michaeloreillyintel - 2
conditional/split horizon only answers?
#1510 opened by bcookatpcsd - 10
Use semver tags
#1505 opened by julienrbrt - 2
Just wanted to share..
#1507 opened by bcookatpcsd - 2
ecs and caching.minTime seem to not play nice together..
#1509 opened by bcookatpcsd - 3
Feature Request: DNS cloaking rules
#1486 opened by bcookatpcsd - 2
"go get" fetches v0.9.1
#1594 opened by markdrayton - 7
question: *multiple* blocky *same* promethus *multiple* grafana dashboards
#1470 opened by bcookatpcsd - 3
- 3
sslbump option for TLS 1.3 encrypted SNI scenarios
#1485 opened by mrbluecoat - 1
- 5
- 1
How can I rewrite domain by suffix ?
#1508 opened by wenerme - 3
Support for additional record types in ``
#1587 opened by Terrance - 3
how to have a device with ip being completly unfiltered, to be full allowlisted (whitelisted)
#1559 opened by niouniou49 - 2
make build deletes local changes
#1557 opened by moenodedev - 3
👍 An excellent project, it would be even better with the addition of multi-port services.
#1483 opened by hululu1068 - 0
#1550 opened by Thulium-Drake - 0
- 1
root nameserver for blocky config. Need a help
#1503 opened by mmbdv - 0
- 2
Improve API to allow for external-dns (DDNS) integration
#1487 opened by onedr0p - 2
- 5
- 1
List parsing change in v0.24, no longer allows spaces
#1492 opened by disconn3ct - 3