
A program demonstrating the functionality of Linear Hash Indexing.

Primary LanguageC++

Linear Hash Indexing Assignment for CS 440 Database Management Systems at Oregon State University

This application demonstrates the concept of Linear Hash Indexing. It reads data from a CSV file, creates an index, and allows the user to look up records by ID.


The application is written in C++ and consists of several classes:

  • Record: Represents a record in the database. Each record has an ID, name, bio, and manager ID.
  • Block: Represents a block in the index. Each block contains a vector of records, the size of the block, an overflow pointer index, the number of records, and the block index.
  • LinearHashIndex: Represents the linear hash index. It contains methods for creating the index from a CSV file, inserting records, and finding records by ID. How it Works

The application starts by creating an instance of LinearHashIndex and populating it with data from a CSV file:

    LinearHashIndex emp_index("EmployeeIndex");

The user is then prompted to enter an ID to look up a record. The application continues to prompt the user until they enter "quit":

        cout << "\n\nLook employee up by ID (quit to exit):";
        cin >> userInput;

        while(cin.fail()) {
            cout << "Invalid ID Error\n";
            cin >> userInput;
        if (userInput == "quit")
            cout << "Have nice day\n";
            return 0;

            cout << "Looking up ID: " << stoi(userInput) << endl;
            Record target = emp_index.findRecordById(stoi(userInput));


The LinearHashIndex class uses a hash function to map IDs to buckets in the index:

    int hash_function(int id) {
        return (id % (int) pow(2, 8));

When a record is inserted, the application checks if the block has enough capacity. If not, it creates an overflow block:

        bool written_record = false;

        while (!written_record) {
            // Read block that was indexed
            Block current_block(bblock_idx);

            // Check if block has capacity for current reecord, otherwise look for overflow, if no overflow create one
            if (current_block.block_size + record.calculate_record_size() <= BLOCK_SIZE) {

                // Write the record into the block
                index_file.seekp((bblock_idx * BLOCK_SIZE) + current_block.block_size);

When a record is looked up by ID, the application calculates the bucket index, reads the block from the index, and loops through the block to find the record:

    Record findRecordById(int id) {

        fstream index_file(fName, ios::in);
        // Calculate bucket index, get last i bits, insert before search so assum i s correct address
        int bucket_idx = get_last_i_bits(hash_function(id), i);
        // If record is going to real or fake bucket
        if (bucket_idx >= numBuckets) {
            bucket_idx &= ~(1 << (i-1));
        // Go through block and find record
        int block_idx = blockDirectory[bucket_idx];

        while (block_idx != -1) {
            // Read block
            Block current_block(block_idx);

            // Check each record in block
            for (int i = 0; i < current_block.num_records; i++) {
                if (current_block.records[i].id == id) {
                    return current_block.records[i];
            // Go to block idx to overflow block
            block_idx = current_block.overflow_ptr_idx;


The application currently only supports looking up records by ID. It does not support deleting records or updating existing records. It also does not handle collisions in the hash function.