
Database Management Systems homework demonstrating an optimized merge/join algorithm

Primary LanguageC++

Optimized Merge Sort for Joining CSV Files

Assignment 5 for CS 440 Database Management Systems at Oregon State University

This program is designed to perform an optimized merge sort on two CSV files, Emp.csv and Dept.csv, and join them based on certain conditions. The code is written in C++ and uses the standard library for file I/O and string manipulation.

Code Structure

The codebase is divided into two main files:

  1. main.cpp: This file contains the main logic for reading the CSV files, sorting the records, and joining them.

  2. record_class.h: This file defines the Records class, which is used to store the records from the CSV files. It also contains methods for grabbing a single record from each CSV file.

Key Functions

  • swap(Records &a, Records &b): This function is used to swap two Records objects.

  • Sort_Buffer(Records buffers[], int num_emp_records, string filename): This function sorts the records in the buffer and writes them to a temporary file.

  • Merge_Join_Runs(fstream &emp_runs, fstream &dept_runs): This function merges and joins the sorted runs of the Emp and Dept relations.

  • Grab_Emp_Record(fstream &empin) and Grab_Dept_Record(fstream &deptin): These functions grab a single record from the Emp.csv and Dept.csv files respectively and store them in the Records class.

  • main(): This is the main function where the CSV files are read, sorted, and joined.

How to Use

  1. Ensure that the Emp.csv and Dept.csv files are in the same directory as the code files.

  2. Compile the code using a C++ compiler.

  3. Run the compiled code. The joined records will be written to a file named Join.csv.

Important Notes

  • The code uses a buffer of size 22 to store the records in memory. This is defined by the buffer_size macro.

  • The Records class contains two structures, EmpRecord and DeptRecord, which are used to store the records from the Emp.csv and Dept.csv files respectively.

  • The code uses a simple bubble sort algorithm to sort the records in the buffer. This can be replaced with a more efficient sorting algorithm if needed.

  • The code assumes that the Emp.csv and Dept.csv files are formatted correctly and that each line contains a valid record.

  • The code creates temporary files to store the sorted runs. These files are deleted after the join operation is completed. Code Snippets

Here are some key code snippets:

  • Sorting the records in the buffer:
            if (buffers[i].number_of_emp_records != 0 && buffers[j].number_of_emp_records != 0) {
                // Sorting by eid
                if (buffers[i].emp_record.eid > buffers[j].emp_record.eid) {
                    swap(buffers[i], buffers[j]);
            } else if (buffers[i].number_of_dept_records != 0 && buffers[j].number_of_dept_records != 0) {
                // Sorting by did
                if (buffers[i].dept_record.did > buffers[j].dept_record.did) {
                    swap(buffers[i], buffers[j]);
    // Writing the sorted records into a temporary file (runs)
    for (int i = 0; i < num_emp_records; i++) {
        if (buffers[i].number_of_emp_records != 0) {
            runs << buffers[i].emp_record.eid << "," << buffers[i].emp_record.ename << "," << buffers[i].emp_record.age << "," << buffers[i].emp_record.salary << endl;
        } else if (buffers[i].number_of_dept_records != 0) {
            runs << buffers[i].dept_record.did << "," << buffers[i].dept_record.dname << "," << buffers[i].dept_record.budget << "," << buffers[i].dept_record.managerid << endl;
    //Remember: You can use only [AT MOST] 22 blocks for sorting the records / tuples and create the runs
    return runs;
  • Reading the records from the CSV files and creating the sorted runs:
    // Read each line from the empin file and add it to emp_records
    while (empin >> emp_records[num_emp_records].emp_record.eid >> emp_records[num_emp_records].emp_record.ename >> emp_records[num_emp_records].emp_record.age >> emp_records[num_emp_records].emp_record.salary) {
        emp_records[num_emp_records].number_of_emp_records = 1;
        if (num_emp_records == buffer_size) {
            // Sort the records in the buffer and write them to a temporary file (emp_runs)
            emp_runs = Sort_Buffer(emp_records, num_emp_records, "emp_runs");
            num_emp_records = 0;
    // Do the same for department records
    // Reach each line from the deptin file and add it to dept_records
    while (deptin >> dept_records[num_dept_records].dept_record.did >> dept_records[num_dept_records].dept_record.dname >> dept_records[num_dept_records].dept_record.budget >> dept_records[num_dept_records].dept_record.managerid) {
        dept_records[num_dept_records].number_of_dept_records = 1;
        if (num_dept_records == buffer_size) {
            // Sort the records in the buffer and write them to a temporary file (dept_runs)
            dept_runs = Sort_Buffer(dept_records, num_dept_records, "dept_runs");
            num_dept_records = 0;
  • Merging and joining the sorted runs:
    buffers = new Records[buffer_size];
    fstream joinout;
    joinout.open("Join.csv", ios::out | ios::app);
    //1. Read the first block from each run and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //1.1. Read the first block from the Emp run and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //1.2. Read the first block from the Dept run and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //2. Repeat the following steps until all the runs are exhausted
    //2.1. Find the minimum of the first records in the main memory (buffers)
    //2.2. If the minimum is from the Emp run, then write it to the output file Join.csv
    //and read the next record from the same run and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //2.3. If the minimum is from the Dept run, then write it to the output file Join.csv
    //and read the next record from the same run and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //2.4. If the minimum is from both the runs, then write it to the output file Join.csv
    //and read the next record from both the runs and store it in the main memory (buffers)
    //3. Write the remaining records in the main memory (buffers) to the output file Join.csv
    //4. Close the file streams
  • Main function:
int main() {

    //Open file streams to read and write
    //Opening out two relations Emp.csv and Dept.csv which we want to join
    fstream empin;
    fstream deptin;
    empin.open("Emp.csv", ios::in);
    deptin.open("Dept.csv", ios::in);
    int num_emp_records = 0;
    int num_dept_records = 0;
    Records emp_records[buffer_size];
    Records dept_records[buffer_size];
    //Creating the Join.csv file where we will store our joined results
    fstream joinout;
    joinout.open("Join.csv", ios::out | ios::app);

    //1. Create runs for Dept and Emp which are sorted using Sort_Buffer()
    fstream emp_runs = fstream("runs", ios::out | ios::app);
    fstream dept_runs = fstream("runs", ios::out | ios::app);