
Python implementations of the RL algorithms in examples and figures in Sutton & Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction

Primary LanguagePython

Reinforcement learning introduction

A collection of python implementations of the RL algorithms for the examples and figures in Sutton & Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.

  • Numbering of the examples is based on the January 1, 2018 complete draft to the 2nd edition.

Implemented algorithms

Chapter 2 -- Multi-armed bandits

  • Epsilon-greedy action-value methods
  • Upper-Confidence-Bound action selection
  • Gradient bandit algorithms

Chapter 3 -- Finite Markov Decision Processes

  • State-value function estimation under uniform and optimal policy

Chapter 4 -- Dynamic programming

  • Iterative policy evaluation
  • Policy iteration
  • Value iteration

Chapter 5 -- Monte Carlo methods

  • First-visit MC
  • Exploring starts MC
  • Off-policy prediction via importance sampling

Chapter 6 -- Temporal-Difference learning

  • TD(0)
  • Batch updating TD(0) and constant-alpha MC
  • Sarsa on-policy TD control
  • Q-learning off-policy TD control
  • Expected Sarsa
  • Double Q-learning

Chapter 7 -- n-step bootstrapping

  • n-step TD
  • n-step Sarsa

Chapter 8 -- Planning and learning with tabular methods

  • Tabular Dyna-Q
  • Planning and non-planning Dyna-Q
  • Dyna-Q+ prioritized sweeping for deterministic environments
  • Trajectory sampling

Chapter 9 -- On-policy prediction with approximation

  • Gradient Monte Carlo
  • Semi-gradient TD(0)
  • n-step semi-gradient TD
  • Gradient MC with Fourier and polynomial bases
  • Coarse coding
  • Tile coding
  • State aggregation

Chapter 10 -- On-policy control with approximation

  • Episodic semi-gradient Sarsa
  • n-step semi-gradient Sarsa
  • Differential semi-gradient Sarsa

Chapter 11 -- Off-policy methods with approximation

  • Semi-gradient off-policy TD
  • Semi-gradient DP
  • TD(0) with gradient correction (TDC)
  • Expected TDC
  • Expected Emphatic TD

Chapter 12 -- Eligibility traces

  • Offline λ-return
  • TD(λ)
  • True online TD(λ)
  • Sarsa(λ)

Chapter 13 -- Policy gradient methods

  • REINFORCE with baseline

A full list of the generated figures and table is here.


Easiest way to run is to clone this repo and run

python filename.py


  • python 3.6
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn
  • tqdm
  • tabulate

The key examples of each chapter are separated. There are inter-chapter dependences as examples are extended across topics. Base classes for an base RL agent, Gridworld and tile coding are separated and imported where relevant.