
Relative Robot Localization in an Un-mapped Environment

Primary LanguagePython

Probabilistic Robotics (Comp-150) Final Project


To run this simulation, ensure all dependencies (listed below) are installed and compatible with Python3. The main driver is located in the src folder and can be run with

python3 driver.py

To change parameters in the simulation, modify src/config.json. The configuration file is explained below.



pip3 install socket.engine


pip3 install opencv-python


pip3 install numpy

Simulation Control

To control the simulation, use the keyboard. Because the simulation runs more slowly the more bots are added, sometimes the key must be pressed multiple times to register.

[0-9]: Select Bot by GUID

w: Move forward 1 translation_unit
s: Move backward 1 translation_unit
d: Rotate left 1 degree_unit
a: Rotate right 1 degree_unit

p: Take picture and localize self to others
l: Report localizations to network
m: Read from network and localize others to self
q: Quit the simulation

Simulation Configuration

	"num_bots": "number of bots in the simulation (int)",
	"viz": {
		"ip": "IP for the visualization to connect with (string)",
		"port": "Port for the visualization to use (int)",
		"threaded": "True/False to multithread the visualization (boolean)"
	"bots": {
		"ip": "IP for the bots to use when connecting (string)",
		"s_port": "Starting port for bot connections (int)",
		"connect": "Specify if the bots should connect to the network (boolean)"
	"sim": {
		"width": "Overall simulation width (int)",
		"height": "Overall simulation height (int)",
		"unit": "Unit size for the simulation (int)",
		"speed": "Speed bots move in the simulation (int)",
		"angle": "Angle with which bots turn (int)",
		"image_size": "Arbitrary image constant (int)",
		"max_distance": "Maximum distance bots can see (int)",
		"max_angle": "Maximum angle bots can see (int)"


Design specification