
Firmware and Controller code for a zero-gravity 3D printer (part of Tufts Senior Design, Fall 2020)

Primary LanguageG-code

Space Jam!


This firmware is designed to run on an Arduino board connected with a Serial (USB) cable. To change the pins for the step and direction, modify Definitions.h. All the firmware lives in the firmware/ directory.


  • Serial reading
  • Command finished "OK"
  • Axis representation and state tracking
  • Add support for second Y axis
  • Axis homing on bootup
  • Command Parsing
    • G0 (move, supports X, Y, Z, E, F)
    • "Home"
    • "Laser"
  • Command Implementations
    • G0
    • H0
    • T0
    • T1

G-Code Reference

G0 X[...] Y[...] U[...] Z[...] E[...] F[...]: G0 is the standard move command for the printer. All axis begin at 0, and do not have a defined upper bound (i.e., it is up to the user to not over-extend the limits of the motion). U represents the second Y axis motor (and should always be commanded to the same position). E and F represent the roller collector motor and unroller motor respectively.

H0: Homes all motion axes (X, Y, U, Z) until they make contact with the limit switches.

T0: Turns the laser diode OFF

T1: Turns the laser diode ON

L0 [axis]: Tests a limit switch of the given axis (0: x, 1: y, 2: u, 3: z)