
Create private blockchain using GETH

MIT LicenseMIT



Create and interact with a Private Blockchain Using GETH [Go-ETHEREUM]


To install geth,

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ethereum

To create a node account,

geth --datadir "./data" account new 

To establish a connection,

geth --datadir ./data init ../geth_block/geth_block.json

Let's now create and generate a boot key for connecting node1 to bootnode and node2 to bootnode and viseversa

Create and generate a boot key

bootnode -genkey boot.key

To start a new network connection,

bootnode -nodekey boot.key

To fully start the connection

Navigate to the bootNode directory

bootnode -nodekey "./boot.key" -verbosity 7 -addr ""

Connect node1,

geth --networkid 14333 --datadir "./data" --bootnodes enode://903307600f04d59ff73ecc41016a2112aedebd4021799f764092872bd4aa75b55786bb14665f6171707ba5aa242afe7691b70303deea79ab46c0f63af6d59fed@ --port 30300 --ipcdisable --syncmode full --rpc --allow-insecure-unlock --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xa23b87d009c9023BeF10442568C3392CA3eeD89d --password password.txt --mine console

If rpc endpoint doesn't work, try using http as folows,

geth --networkid 14333 --datadir "./data" --bootnodes enode://903307600f04d59ff73ecc41016a2112aedebd4021799f764092872bd4aa75b55786bb14665f6171707ba5aa242afe7691b70303deea79ab46c0f63af6d59fed@ --port 30303 --ipcdisable --syncmode full --http --allow-insecure-unlock --http.port 8545 --unlock 0xca9AdF6627A549c8D593439ab79E19f912E6dB11 --password password.txt --mine console

Connect node2,

geth --networkid 14333 --datadir "./data" --bootnodes enode://903307600f04d59ff73ecc41016a2112aedebd4021799f764092872bd4aa75b55786bb14665f6171707ba5aa242afe7691b70303deea79ab46c0f63af6d59fed@ --port 30303 --ipcdisable --syncmode full --rpc --allow-insecure-unlock --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xa23b87d009c9023BeF10442568C3392CA3eeD89d --password password.txt console

Want to only start a peer-2-peer network?

geth --networkid 14144 --datadir "./data" --bootnodes enode://903307600f04d59ff73ecc41016a2112aedebd4021799f764092872bd4aa75b55786bb14665f6171707ba5aa242afe7691b70303deea79ab46c0f63af6d59fed@

If rpc endpoint doesn't work, try using http as follows,

geth --networkid 14333 --datadir "./data" --bootnodes enode://903307600f04d59ff73ecc41016a2112aedebd4021799f764092872bd4aa75b55786bb14665f6171707ba5aa242afe7691b70303deea79ab46c0f63af6d59fed@ --port 30303 --ipcdisable --syncmode full --http --allow-insecure-unlock --http.port 8545 --unlock 0xca9AdF6627A549c8D593439ab79E19f912E6dB11 --password password.txt console

Start mining some ether, Use console


geth --datadir "./data" --networkid 14144 --port 30303 --ipcdisable --syncmode full --mine console

Unlock Your account

personal.unlockAccount("contract_account_address", "password", 0)

Start mining

In geth console,


Check mining status


If true, check mined blocks


After, when mining is done, stop mining

