
A collection of gas optimizations for the EVM.


This repo was made to document of all of the gas optimizations that I have come across / experimented with. Each optimization has a brief explanation with a code snippet. This document is for internal purposes but I might make it public someday for others that might benefit from it as well.

Use assembly when getting a contract's balance of ETH.

You can use selfbalance() instead of address(this).balance when getting your contract's balance of ETH to save gas. Additionally, you can use balance(address) instead of address.balance() when getting an external contract's balance of ETH.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function addressInternalBalance() public returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

contract Contract1 {
    function assemblyInternalBalance() public returns (uint256) {
        assembly {
            let c := selfbalance()
            mstore(0x00, c)
            return(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract2 {
    function addressExternalBalance(address addr) public {
        uint256 bal = address(addr).balance;

contract Contract3 {
    function assemblyExternalBalance(address addr) public {
        uint256 bal;
        assembly {
            bal := balance(addr)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                            
 23675                   147                                        
 Function Name           min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addressInternalBalance  148              148  148     148  1       
 Contract1 contract                                                  
 Deployment Cost          Deployment Size                            
 27081                    165                                        
 Function Name            min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyInternalBalance  133              133  133     133  1       
 Contract2 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                            
 61511                   339                                        
 Function Name           min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addressExternalBalance  417              417  417     417  1       
 Contract3 contract                                                  
 Deployment Cost          Deployment Size                            
 57105                    317                                        
 Function Name            min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyExternalBalance  411              411  411     411  1       

unchecked{++i} instead of i++ (or use assembly when applicable)

Use ++i instead of i++. This is especially useful in for loops but this optimization can be used anywhere in your code. You can also use unchecked{++i;} for even more gas savings but this will not check to see if i overflows. For extra safety if you are worried about this, you can add a require statement after the loop checking if i is equal to the final incremented value. For best gas savings, use inline assembly, however this limits the functionality you can achieve. For example you cant use Solidity syntax to internally call your own contract within an assembly block and external calls must be done with the call() or delegatecall() instruction. However when applicable, inline assembly will save much more gas.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;
    Contract4 c4;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();
        c4 = new Contract4();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    //loop with i++
    function iPlusPlus() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; i++) {

contract Contract1 {
    //loop with ++i
    function plusPlusI() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; ++i) {

contract Contract2 {
    //loop with unchecked{++i}
    function uncheckedPlusPlusI() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; ) {

            unchecked {

contract Contract3 {
    //loop with unchecked{++i} with additional overflow check
    function safeUncheckedPlusPlusI() public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        uint256 i = 0;
        for (i; i < 10; ) {

            unchecked {

        //check for overflow
        assembly {
            if lt(i, 10) {
                mstore(0x00, "loop overflow")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract4 {
    //loop with inline assembly
    function inlineAssemblyLoop() public pure {
        assembly {
            let j := 0

            for {
                let i := 0
            } lt(i, 10) {
                i := add(i, 0x01)
            } {
                j := add(j, 0x01)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 37687               219                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 iPlusPlus           2039             2039  2039    2039  1       
 Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 37287               217                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 plusPlusI           1989             1989  1989    1989  1       
 Contract3 contract                                                   
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                              
 42693                   244                                          
 Function Name           min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 safeUncheckedPlusPlusI  1355             1355  1355    1355  1       
 Contract2 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 35887               210                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 uncheckedPlusPlusI  1329             1329  1329    1329  1       
 Contract4 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 26881               164                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 inlineAssemblyLoop  709              709  709     709  1       

Use assembly for math (add, sub, mul, div)

Use assembly for math instead of Solidity. You can check for overflow/underflow in assembly to ensure safety.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;
    Contract4 c4;
    Contract5 c5;
    Contract6 c6;
    Contract7 c7;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();
        c4 = new Contract4();
        c5 = new Contract5();
        c6 = new Contract6();
        c7 = new Contract7();

    function testGas() public {
        c0.addTest(34598345, 100);
        c1.addAssemblyTest(34598345, 100);
        c2.subTest(34598345, 100);
        c3.subAssemblyTest(34598345, 100);
        c4.mulTest(34598345, 100);
        c5.mulAssemblyTest(34598345, 100);
        c6.divTest(34598345, 100);
        c7.divAssemblyTest(34598345, 100);

contract Contract0 {
    //addition in Solidity
    function addTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        uint256 c = a + b;

contract Contract1 {
    //addition in assembly
    function addAssemblyTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        assembly {
            let c := add(a, b)

            if lt(c, a) {
                mstore(0x00, "overflow")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract2 {
    //subtraction in Solidity
    function subTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        uint256 c = a - b;

contract Contract3 {
    //subtraction in assembly
    function subAssemblyTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        assembly {
            let c := sub(a, b)

            if gt(c, a) {
                mstore(0x00, "underflow")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract4 {
    //multiplication in Solidity
    function mulTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        uint256 c = a * b;

contract Contract5 {
    //multiplication in assembly
    function mulAssemblyTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        assembly {
            let c := mul(a, b)

            if lt(c, a) {
                mstore(0x00, "overflow")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract6 {
    //division in Solidity
    function divTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        uint256 c = a * b;

contract Contract7 {
    //division in assembly
    function divAssemblyTest(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure {
        assembly {
            let c := div(a, b)

            if gt(c, a) {
                mstore(0x00, "underflow")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 40493               233                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addTest             303              303  303     303  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 37087               216                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addAssemblyTest     263              263  263     263  1       
 Contract2 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 40293               232                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 subTest             300              300  300     300  1       
 Contract3 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 37287               217                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 subAssemblyTest     263              263  263     263  1       
 Contract4 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 41893               240                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 mulTest             325              325  325     325  1       
 Contract5 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 37087               216                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 mulAssemblyTest     265              265  265     265  1       
 Contract6 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 41893               240                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 divTest             325              325  325     325  1       
 Contract7 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 37287               217                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 divAssemblyTest     265              265  265     265  1       

Tightly pack storage variables

When defining storage variables, make sure to declare them in ascending order, according to size. When multiple variables are able to fit into one 256 bit slot, this will save storage size and gas during runtime. For example, if you have a bool, uint256 and a bool, instead of defining the variables in the previously mentioned order, defining the two boolean variables first will pack them both into one storage slot since they only take up one byte of storage.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {
        bool bool0 = true;
        bool bool1 = false;
        uint256 num0 = 200;
        uint256 num1 = 100;
        c0.accessNonTightlyPacked(bool0, bool1, num0, num1);
        c1.accessTightlyPacked(bool0, bool1, num0, num1);

contract Contract0 {
    uint256 num0 = 100;
    bool bool0 = false;
    uint256 num1 = 200;
    bool bool1 = true;

    function accessNonTightlyPacked(
        bool _bool0,
        bool _bool1,
        uint256 _num0,
        uint256 _num1
    ) public {
        bool0 = _bool0;
        bool1 = _bool1;
        num0 = _num0;
        num1 = _num1;

contract Contract1 {
    bool bool0 = false;
    bool bool1 = true;
    uint256 num0 = 100;
    uint256 num1 = 200;

    function accessTightlyPacked(
        bool _bool0,
        bool _bool1,
        uint256 _num0,
        uint256 _num1
    ) public {
        bool0 = _bool0;
        bool1 = _bool1;
        num0 = _num0;
        num1 = _num1;

Gas Report

 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract0 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 122268                                     334                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 accessNonTightlyPacked                     32774            32774  32774   32774  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract1 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 126247                                     356                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 accessTightlyPacked                        15476            15476  15476   15476  1       

Short circuiting

When an if statement has more than one possible case, list the more freqently occuring case first. This will allow less computation to evaluate the case and enter the body of the if statement. The gas report shown below is a result of passing in 0 as a.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testNoShortCircuit() public {

    function testShortCircuit() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function noShortCircuit(uint256 a) public pure {
        if (a > 1000 || a != 0) {}

contract Contract1 {
    function shortCircuit(uint256 a) public pure {
        if (a != 0 || a > 1000) {}

Gas Report

[PASS] testNoShortCircuit() (gas: 5448)
[PASS] testShortCircuit() (gas: 5357)

Use calldata instead of memory for function arguments that do not get mutated.

Mark data types as calldata instead of memory where possible. This makes it so that the data is not automatically loaded into memory. If the data passed into the function does not need to be changed (like updating values in an array), it can be passed in as calldata. The one exception to this is if the argument must later be passed into another function that takes an argument that specifies memory storage.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public {
        uint256[] memory arr = new uint256[](10);

        bytes memory data = abi.encode("someText");

contract Contract0 {
    function calldataArray(uint256[] calldata arr) public {
        uint256 j;
        for (uint256 i; i < arr.length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

contract Contract1 {
    function memoryArray(uint256[] memory arr) public {
        uint256 j;
        for (uint256 i; i < arr.length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

contract Contract2 {
    function calldataBytes(bytes calldata data) public {
        bytes32 val;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; i++) {
            val = keccak256(abi.encode(data, i));

contract Contract3 {
    function memoryBytes(bytes memory data) public {
        bytes32 val;
        for (uint256 i; i < 10; i++) {
            val = keccak256(abi.encode(data, i));

Gas Report

 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 97947                                      521                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 calldataArray                              2824             2824  2824    2824  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 128171                                     672                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 memoryArray                                3755             3755  3755    3755  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract2 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 100547                                     534                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 calldataBytes                              4934             4934  4934    4934  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract3 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 135183                                     707                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 memoryBytes                                7551             7551  7551    7551  1       

Pack calldata where possible

Every byte of calldata costs gas with non-zero calldata costing 4 gas per byte and zero value calldata costing 16 gas per byte since EIP-2028. By packing calldata, you can reduce the zero value calldata, thus making it more efficient when calling a function. You will need to decode the calldata correctly inside of the function if you pack calldata.

contract Contract0 {
    function notPackedCalldata(address exampleAddress, uint256 exampleUint256) public{
        //do something

contract Contract1 {
    function packedCalldata(bytes calldata data) public {
        (address exampleAddress, uint256 exampleUint256) = abi.decode(data,(address, uint256));
        //do something

Cached memory values before a for loop instead of reading the value every iteration of the loop.

Instead of reading a memory value every iteration during a for loop, cache the value before the loop and use the cached value. This also applies to checking if i is < and array's length every loop.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public view {
        uint256[] memory list = new uint256[](10);


contract Contract0 {
    function nonCachedList(uint256[] memory list) public pure {
        for (uint256 i; i < list.length; i++) {
            uint256 val0 = list[0];
            uint256 res = 100 + val0;

contract Contract1 {
    function cachedList(uint256[] memory list) public pure {
        uint256 listLength = list.length;
        uint256 val0 = list[0];

        for (uint256 i; i < listLength; i++) {
            uint256 res = 100 + val0;

contract Contract2 {
    function nonChachedLength(uint256[] memory list) public pure {
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < list.length; i++) {

contract Contract3 {
    function cachedLength(uint256[] memory list) public pure {
        uint256 listLength = list.length;
        uint256 j = 0;
        for (uint256 i; i < listLength; i++) {

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 129977              681                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 nonCachedList       3960             3960  3960    3960  1       
 Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 128977              676                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 cachedList          3278             3278  3278    3278  1       
 Contract2 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 107153              567                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 nonChachedLength    3225             3225  3225    3225  1       
 Contract3 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 107553              569                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 cachedLength        3200             3200  3200    3200  1       

Cache array length during for loop definition.

A typical for loop definition may look like: for (uint256 i; i < arr.length; i++){}. Instead of using array.length, cache the array length before the loop, and use the cached value to safe gas. This will avoid an MLOAD every loop for arrays stored in memory and an SLOAD for arrays stored in storage. This can have significant gas savings for arrays with a large length, especially if the array is stored in storage.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public view {
        uint256[] memory arr = new uint256[](10);

contract Contract0 {
    function nonCachedMemoryListLength(uint256[] memory arr) public pure {
        uint256 j;
        for (uint256 i; i < arr.length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

contract Contract1 {
    function cachedMemoryListLength(uint256[] memory arr) public pure {
        uint256 j;

        uint256 length = arr.length;
        for (uint256 i; i < length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

contract Contract2 {
    uint256[] arr = new uint256[](10);

    function nonCachedStorageListLength() public view {
        uint256 j;
        for (uint256 i; i < arr.length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

contract Contract3 {
    uint256[] arr = new uint256[](10);

    function cachedStorageListLength() public view {
        uint256 j;
        uint256 length = arr.length;

        for (uint256 i; i < length; i++) {
            j = arr[i] + 10;

Gas Report

 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 128171                                     672                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 nonCachedMemoryListLength                  3755             3755  3755    3755  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 128777                                     675                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 cachedMemoryListLength                     3733             3733  3733    3733  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract2 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 118474                                     539                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 nonCachedStorageListLength                 27979            27979  27979   27979  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract3 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 118674                                     540                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 cachedStorageListLength                    26984            26984  26984   26984  1       

Pack structs

When creating structs, make sure that the variables are listed in ascending order by data type. The compiler will pack the variables that can fit into one 32 byte slot. If the variables are not listed in ascending order, the compiler may not pack the data into one slot, causing additional sload and sstore instructions when reading/storing the struct into the contract's storage.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    struct UnoptimizedStruct {
        uint128 a;
        uint256 b;
        uint128 c;

    mapping(uint256 => UnoptimizedStruct) idToUnoptimizedStruct;

    function storeUnoptimizedStruct() public {
        idToUnoptimizedStruct[0] = UnoptimizedStruct(

contract Contract1 {
    struct OptimizedStruct {
        uint128 a;
        uint128 b;
        uint256 c;

    mapping(uint256 => OptimizedStruct) idToOptimizedStruct;

    function storeOptimizedStruct() public {
        idToOptimizedStruct[0] = OptimizedStruct(

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                                     
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                                
 67717                   370                                            
 Function Name           min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 storeUnoptimizedStruct  66608            66608  66608   66608  1       
 Contract1 contract                                                   
 Deployment Cost       Deployment Size                                
 54105                 302                                            
 Function Name         min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 storeOptimizedStruct  44468            44468  44468   44468  1       

Mark storage variables as immutable if they never change after initialization or constant if they never change.

State variables can be declared as constant or immutable. In both cases, the variables cannot be modified after the contract has been constructed. For constant variables, the value has to be fixed at compile-time, while for immutable, it can still be assigned at construction time.

The compiler does not reserve a storage slot for these variables, and every occurrence is replaced by the respective value.

Compared to regular state variables, the gas costs of constant and immutable variables are much lower. For a constant variable, the expression assigned to it is copied to all the places where it is accessed and also re-evaluated each time. This allows for local optimizations. Immutable variables are evaluated once at construction time and their value is copied to all the places in the code where they are accessed. For these values, 32 bytes are reserved, even if they would fit in fewer bytes. Due to this, constant values can sometimes be cheaper than immutable values.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2  c2;
    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();

    function testGas() public view {

contract Contract0 {
    uint256 val;

    constructor() {
        val = 10000;

    function addValue() public view {
        uint256 newVal = val + 1000;

contract Contract1 {
    uint256 immutable val;

    constructor() {
        val = 10000;

    function addImmutableValue() public view {
        uint256 newVal = val + 1000;

contract Contract2 {
    uint256 constant val = 10;

    function addConstantValue() public view {
        uint256 newVal = val + 1000;

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 54593               198                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 addValue            2302             2302  2302    2302  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 38514               239                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addImmutableValue   199              199  199     199  1       
 Contract2 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 32287               191                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addConstantValue    199              199  199     199  1       

Use assembly to hash instead of Solidity

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public view {
        c0.solidityHash(2309349, 2304923409);
        c1.assemblyHash(2309349, 2304923409);

contract Contract0 {
    function solidityHash(uint256 a, uint256 b) public view {
        keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a, b));

contract Contract1 {
    function assemblyHash(uint256 a, uint256 b) public view {
        assembly {
            mstore(0x00, a)
            mstore(0x20, b)
            let hashedVal := keccak256(0x00, 0x40)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 36687               214                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 solidityHash        313              313  313     313  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 31281               186                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyHash        231              231  231     231  1       

Use assembly to call an external contract

Instead of using Solidity to call an external contract, you can assembly for significant gas savings.

Note: While the gas savings can be significant, it is important to thoroughly understand low level operations and the safegaurds needed when using the call() instruction in assembly.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {
        SimpleStore _simpleStore = new SimpleStore();

        ///@dev when testing, test one by one and comment out the others
        ///@dev otherwise you will get in inaccurate gas reading due to warm/cold addresses

        c0.functionCall(address(_simpleStore), address(this));
        // c1.assemblyCall(address(_simpleStore), address(this));

contract Contract0 {
    function functionCall(address simpleStoreAddress, address newAddress)

contract Contract1 {
    function assemblyCall(address simpleStoreAddress, address newAddress)
        bytes memory data = abi.encode(

        uint256 dataLength = data.length;

        assembly {
            let success := call(
                //forward the gas left
                //addthe "to" address
                //add the msg value
                //memory offset where calldata starts,
                //32 bytes is added to the memory location of data because the first 32 bytes contains the length of the byte array
                add(data, 0x20),
                //size of calldata
                //memory offset where to store the return data
                //size of the return data

            if iszero(success) {
                revert(0x00, 0x00)

contract SimpleStore {
    address addr;

    function store(address _addr) public {
        addr = _addr;

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                                
 69717               380                                            
 Function Name       min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 functionCall        23082            23082  23082   23082  1       
 Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 74723               405                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 assemblyCall        3105             3105  3105    3105  1       

Right shift instead of dividing by two

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public view {

contract Contract0 {
    function div2() public view {
        uint256 val = 10;
        uint256 valDivTwo = val / 2;

contract Contract1 {
    function shr2() public view {
        uint256 val = 10;
        uint256 valDivTwo = val >> 1;

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 41493               238                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 div2                268              268  268     268  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 32687               193                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 shr2                203              203  203     203  1       

Left shift instead of multiplying by two

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public view {

contract Contract0 {
    function mul2() public view {
        uint256 val = 10;
        uint256 valMulTwo = val * 2;

contract Contract1 {
    function shl2() public view {
        uint256 val = 10;
        uint256 valMulTwo = val << 1;

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 41693               239                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 mul2                300              300  300     300  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 32687               193                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 shl2                203              203  203     203  1       

Use assembly to check for address(0)


contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public view {

contract Contract0 {
    function ownerNotZero(address _addr) public pure {
        require(_addr != address(0), "zero address)");

contract Contract1 {
    function assemblyOwnerNotZero(address _addr) public pure {
        assembly {
            if iszero(_addr) {
                mstore(0x00, "zero address")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 61311               338                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 ownerNotZero        258              258  258     258  1       
 Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost       Deployment Size                            
 44893                 255                                        
 Function Name         min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyOwnerNotZero  252              252  252     252  1       

Use assembly to check if a storageValue == someValue

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public view {

contract Contract0 {
    address owner = 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84;

    function msgSenderIsOwner() public view {
        require(msg.sender == owner, "!auth");

contract Contract1 {
    address owner = 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84;

    function assemblyMsgSenderIsOwner() public view {
        assembly {
            if iszero(eq(sload(owner.slot), caller())) {
                mstore(0x00, "!auth")
                revert(0x00, 0x20)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 57823               247                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 msgSenderIsOwner    2262             2262  2262    2262  1       
 Contract1 contract                                                     
 Deployment Cost           Deployment Size                              
 49217                     203                                          
 Function Name             min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 assemblyMsgSenderIsOwner  2244             2244  2244    2244  1       

Use assembly to write storage values

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    address owner = 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84;

    function updateOwner(address newOwner) public {
        owner = newOwner;

contract Contract1 {
    address owner = 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84;

    function assemblyUpdateOwner(address newOwner) public {
        assembly {
            sstore(owner.slot, newOwner)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 60623               261                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 updateOwner         5302             5302  5302    5302  1       
 Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                              
 54823               232                                          
 Function Name       min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 assemblyUpdateOwner┆ 5236             5236  5236    5236  1       

array[index] += amount is cheaper than array[index] = array[index] + amount (or related variants)

When updating a value in an array with arithmetic, using array[index] += amount is cheaper than array[index] = array[index] + amount. This is because you avoid an additonal mload when the array is stored in memory, and an sload when the array is stored in storage. This can be applied for any arithmetic operation including +=, -=,/=,*=,^=,&=, %=, <<=,>>=, and >>>=. This optimization can be particularly significant if the pattern occurs during a loop.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public {
        uint256[] memory data = new uint256[](10);

        uint256 newAmount = 100000;
        c0.assignMemory(data, newAmount);
        c1.assignAddMemory(data, newAmount);


contract Contract0 {
    function assignMemory(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 newAmount) public {
        amounts[0] = amounts[0] + newAmount;

contract Contract1 {
    function assignAddMemory(uint256[] memory amounts, uint256 newAmount)
        amounts[0] += newAmount;

contract Contract2 {
    uint256[] amounts;

    constructor() {
        amounts = new uint256[](10);

    function assignStorage(uint256 newAmount) public {
        amounts[0] = amounts[0] + newAmount;

contract Contract3 {
    uint256[] amounts;

    constructor() {
        amounts = new uint256[](10);

    function assignAddStorage(uint256 newAmount) public {
        amounts[0] += newAmount;

Gas Report

 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract0 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 179420                                     928                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 assignMemory                               3611             3611  3611    3611  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract1 contract                                               
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                              
 174820                                     905                                          
 Function Name                              min              avg   median  max   # calls 
 assignAddMemory                            3573             3573  3573    3573  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract2 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 144011                                     779                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 assignStorage                              25052            25052  25052   25052  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract3 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                                
 156623                                     842                                            
 Function Name                              min              avg    median  max    # calls 
 assignAddStorage                           25024            25024  25024   25024  1       

Use assembly when getting a contract's balance of ETH.

You can use selfbalance() instead of address(this).balance when getting your contract's balance of ETH to save gas. Additionally, you can use balance(address) instead of address.balance() when getting an external contract's balance of ETH.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;
    Contract3 c3;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();
        c3 = new Contract3();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function addressInternalBalance() public returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

contract Contract1 {
    function assemblyInternalBalance() public returns (uint256) {
        assembly {
            let c := selfbalance()
            mstore(0x00, c)
            return(0x00, 0x20)

contract Contract2 {
    function addressExternalBalance(address addr) public {
        uint256 bal = address(addr).balance;

contract Contract3 {
    function assemblyExternalBalance(address addr) public {
        uint256 bal;
        assembly {
            bal := balance(addr)

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                            
 23675                   147                                        
 Function Name           min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addressInternalBalance  148              148  148     148  1       
 Contract1 contract                                                  
 Deployment Cost          Deployment Size                            
 27081                    165                                        
 Function Name            min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyInternalBalance  133              133  133     133  1       
 Contract2 contract                                                 
 Deployment Cost         Deployment Size                            
 61511                   339                                        
 Function Name           min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 addressExternalBalance  417              417  417     417  1       
 Contract3 contract                                                  
 Deployment Cost          Deployment Size                            
 57105                    317                                        
 Function Name            min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyExternalBalance  411              411  411     411  1       

Instead of if (x==bool), use if(x) or when applicable, use assembly with iszeroiszero(x).

It is redundant to check if(x==true) or any form of boolean comparison. You can slightly reduce gas consumption by using if (x) instead. When applicable, you can also use assembly to save more gas by using iszeroiszero(x) instead of if (x) and iszero(x) for if (!x)

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();

    function testGas() public view {
        bool check = true;

contract Contract0 {
    function ifBoolEqualsBool(bool check) public pure {
        if (check == true) {

contract Contract1 {
    function ifBool(bool check) public pure {
        if (check) {

contract Contract2 {
    function iszeroIszero(bool check) public pure {
        assembly {
            if iszero(iszero(check)) {
                revert(0x00, 0x00)

Gas Report

 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                            
 34087                                      200                                        
 Function Name                              min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 ifBoolEqualsBool                           263              263  263     263  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                            
 33287                                      196                                        
 Function Name                              min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 ifBool                                     254              254  254     254  1       
 src/test/GasTest.t.sol:Contract2 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost                            Deployment Size                            
 33687                                      198                                        
 Function Name                              min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 iszeroIszero                               249              249  249     249  1       

Use multiple require() statements instead of require(expression && expression && ...)

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function singleRequire(uint256 num) public {
        require(num > 1 && num < 10 && num == 3);

contract Contract1 {
    function multipleRequire(uint256 num) public {
        require(num > 1);
        require(num < 10);
        require(num == 3);

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 35487               208                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 singleRequire       286              286  286     286  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 35887               210                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 multipleRequire     270              270  270     270  1       

Use custom errors instead of string error messages

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testFailGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function stringErrorMessage() public {
        bool check = false;
        require(check, "error message");

contract Contract1 {
    error CustomError();

    function customErrorMessage() public {
        bool check = false;
        if (!check) {
            revert CustomError();

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 34087               200                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 stringErrorMessage  218              218  218     218  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 26881               164                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 customErrorMessage  161              161  161     161  1       

Mark functions as payable

Functions that are not payable have additional logic to check if there was a value sent with a call, however, making a function payable eliminates this check. This optimization should be carefully considered due to potentially unwanted behavior when a function does not need to accept ether.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();

    function testGas() public {

contract Contract0 {
    function isNotPayable() public view {
        uint256 val = 0;

contract Contract1 {
    function isPayable() public payable {
        uint256 val = 0;

Gas Report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 32081               190                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 isNotPayable        198              198  198     198  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 29681               178                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 isPayable           174              174  174     174  1       

Don't use Safemath when using solidity >= 0.8.0

Solidity >= 0.8.0 checks for overflow/underflow by default. Using Safemath when using version >= 0.8.0 is redundant and will incur additional gas costs. Instead of safemath, you can simply use Solidity's built in arithmetic. For further gas savings, you can also use assembly and check for overflow/underflow as seen below.

contract GasTest is DSTest {
    Contract0 c0;
    Contract1 c1;
    Contract2 c2;

    function setUp() public {
        c0 = new Contract0();
        c1 = new Contract1();
        c2 = new Contract2();

    function testGas() public {
        uint256 a = 109230923590;
        uint256 b = 928359823498234;
        c0.safeMathAdd(a, b);
        c1.standardAdd(a, b);
        c2.assemblyAdd(a, b);

contract Contract0 {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    function safeMathAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) public {
        uint256 c = a.add(b);

contract Contract1 {
    function standardAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) public {
        uint256 c = a + b;

contract Contract2 {
    function assemblyAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) public {
        assembly {
            let c := add(a, b)

Gas report

 Contract0 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 48899               275                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 safeMathAdd         348              348  348     348  1       
 Contract1 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 45499               258                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 standardAdd         303              303  303     303  1       
 Contract2 contract                                             
 Deployment Cost     Deployment Size                            
 41293               237                                        
 Function Name       min              avg  median  max  # calls 
 assemblyAdd         263              263  263     263  1       

int can be more expensive than uint in some instances

Negative ints are encoded with leading 0xf bytes. Nonzero bytes in calldata cost 4x more gas than zero bytes.

 »  abi.encode(int(-8))

 »  abi.encode(uint(8))