
my own Boilerplate for building Starknet smart-contracts in Cairo, using latest stable versions of: Cairo, Scarb & Starknet Foundry

Primary LanguageCairo

Starknet backend Boilerplate

This boilerplate uses the current latest stable versions of Cairo (v2.6.3), Scarb (v2.6.3) & Starknet Foundry (v.0.19.0). The OpenZeppelin cairo-contracts dependency v0.11.0 is also included.

While newer versions of sn foundry are available, using them trigger a warning at compilation time. Also, OZ cairo-contracts' dependency recommends using Scarb 2.6.3, that's why we're not using 2.6.4 for now.

The project was initialized with Starknet Foundry using: snforge init my_snforge_boilerplate CLI command.

Keep up-to-date with latest dependencies versions

Cairo & Starknet Documentation

using Starkli CLI

Configure your .env file as per the .example_env.sh in this repo. Then, open your terminal in this repo and run: source .env prior to use Starkli to interact with your contract(s).