CSN09112 - Network Security and Cryptography


Our main focus is to investigate secure infrastructures and some core principles around cryptography. To download the source, use:

git clone https://github.com/billbuchanan/csn09112


No Week beginning Subject Lab
2 16 Sept 2019 1. Introduction [Link]
2. Intrusion Detection Systems [Link]
Introduction to Vyatta Lab
3 23 Sept 2019 3. Network Security [Link] Vyatta and Snort.
4 30 Sept 2019 4. Ciphers and Fundamentals [Link] pfSense.
5 7 Oct 2019 5. Secret Key
6. Hashing [Link]
Vulnerability Analysis and IDS
6 14 Oct 2019 7. Public Key [Link]
8. Key Exchange [Link]
Public/Private Key and Hashing
7 21 Oct 2019 9. Digital Certificates
8 28 Oct 2019 Test 1 details Test 1
9 4 Nov 2019 10. Network Forensics [Link] Network Forensics
10 11 Nov 2019 11. Tunnelling [Link] Tunnelling
11 18 Nov 2019 12. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies [Link] Blockchain Lab
12 25 Nov 2019 13. Blockchain (Tokens) Network Protocols and Python
13 2 Dec 2019 Test 2 details Test 2 (Network Forensics and Blockchain)
14 9 Dec 2019 Hand-in: 18 Dec 2018 [Here]  
  16 Dec 2019