
How to Systemically Flood the Market with Solana Meme Tokens

Primary LanguageShell

I'm Open Sourcing this because I no longer need it.

No Longer Maintained. No Longer Supported. No Longer Used. Here to show others how I did it. Like all those I learned from did for me.

I've had my fun. Good Luck Everyone.

With this guide, I've literally created hundreds of Meme Tokens on Solana. Some did well. Some I lost a lot of money on. I'm not marketing this at all, if you've taken the time to find it, it's your time to shine.

I wish you luck. Please be kind with this power, don't scam. If you DO scam, scam bots not people <3

Creating a Solana Token

This guide outlines the steps for creating a Solana token using command line tools. Each step is critical in ensuring the successful creation, deployment, and management of the token.


  • Ensure you have Solana's CLI tools installed.
    • These commands should work on your CLI:
      • solana-keygen
      • solana
      • spl-token
  • Have Node.js and ts-node installed for running scripts.
  • Ensure you have a way to get files onto ARWeave for storing metadata. We'll be using this site for that: https://solana.keyglowmax.com/fileuploader
    • Note: Not sure this site is free of viruses, only connect burner wallets with ~0.25 SOL (Each upload costs 0.11 SOL)

Part One: Essential Setup


  • Name
    • INSERT
  • Symbol
    • INSERT
  • Description
    • INSERT
  • Create /Media folder
    • Profile in 1:1 Ratio (Name this: Icon.xxx)
    • Twitter Banner (Name this: Banner.xxx)
    • "New Token Buy!" Gif (Name this: BuyGif.gif)
    • 3 Good Tweets
      • Tweet 1:
      • Tweet 2:
      • Tweet 3:


  • Porkbun — Buy Domain
  • Framer — Build Website
    • Create Main Site
    • Change Favicon
    • Change Title Text
  • Twitter — Create twitter
  • Telegram — Ensure telegram is thoroughly scrubbed, then create new persona
  • Setup Telegram Portal & Group with @Safeguard

Part Two: Launching Token

Step 1: Generate Deployer Address

Generate a unique deployer address that starts with a specific prefix using solana-keygen.

solana-keygen grind --starts-with Dep1:1

Step 2: Generate Token Address

Similarly, create a token address with a specific prefix.

solana-keygen grind --starts-with TOK:1

Step 3: Set Network to Mainnet

Configure Solana CLI to use the mainnet and specify your deployer keypair.

solana config set -um -k Dep1.json

Step 4: Fund Deployer Address

Transfer SOL to your deployer address to fund the token creation and transactions.

Step 5: Create Token Address

Create the token using your specified token address stored in TOK.json.

spl-token create-token TOK.json

Step 6: Manage Metadata on Arweave

  • Upload Image: Upload your token's image (The 1:1 Ratio Pic) to Arweave.
  • Edit Metadata: Ensure your metadata.json is accurate and up to date.
  • Upload Metadata: Upload the edited metadata.json to Arweave.

Step 7: Deploy Metadata

Utilize the script to attach metadata to your token.

ts-node mpl_metadata.ts Dep1.json TOK "Name" "Symbol" "uri"


ts-node mpl_metadata.ts GWTviHhoatDtB7QyTXsk3Gwe6Kufnmf8ESaAiTHo7Chc.json BBLCOINCcsJV7UjK5qCy4xxxxxxxbo1j487Tg3 "BUBBLEMOONCOIN" "BUBBL" "https://arweave.net/xyz"

Include links (website, Telegram, Twitter, etc.) in the description for better visibility on scanners. Performing a few transactions from the wallet ahead of deploying can help avoid the "Fresh Wallet" flag on scanners.

Step 8: Update Public Information

Update project's website with -Token Address -Telegram -Twitter

Step 9: Minting Tokens

For token minting, use the provided script instead of direct SPL Token CLI commands.

chmod +x create_and_mint.sh
./create_and_mint.sh <TOKEN_ADDRESS>

Step 10: Secure Token

Disable further minting and freezing of the token. Also, set the metadata to be immutable.

chmod +x freeze_and_revoke.sh
./freeze_and_revoke.sh TOK Dep1.json


Step 11: Dev Wallets

10% of the token will be distributed to developer wallets.

chmod +x distribute_devtokens.sh
./distribute_devtokens.sh NUM_OF_WALLETS TOK Dep1.json

Part Three: Setup Telegram

This needs better documentation, when you're creating this, write exactly what steps you took.

Setup Bots:

  • @MissRose_bot
    • /filter
      • ca TOK
      • website SITE
      • twitter TWITTER
      • revoke MINT_TXN
      • chart dexscreener.com/solana/TOK
    • /setwelcome Hey, {first}. Welcome to NAME!!! Enjoy your stay
    • /goodbye false
  • @D.BuyBot
  • @chattershield_bot

It's at this part that people may start flooding into your telegram. BUCKLE UP.

Part Four: Create Market

Market Creation: http://openbook-explorer.xyz

Here's an example: https://openbook-explorer.xyz/market/9DEvcGnwJpY9KPxKqgep1Dk59edwzFxozQXMfQUSH6y4

  • Existing
    • For base mint use TOK,
    • For quote mint use So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
  • Min order size: -3
  • Price Tick: 9

Add Liq. (Seems like 11 SOL is the meta rn)

Part Five: Manage the Public


  • Launch Pre-Made Tweet #1

Build Hype

  • Chill with the community for a while, really get down & hype them up.


spl-token burn tokenAccountAddress 50


  • Tweet BURN

Telegram Pin

  • Pin BURN

  • /filter ca BURN


  • Launch Pre-Made Tweet #2
  • SHIELD & get likes

Community Shill

  • Ask people to find accounts to post under
  • Tweet under a few "Shill me coin" accounts
  • Shield


  • Launch Pre-Made Tweet #3
  • Shield

Shitcoin Tips!

There should be a sniper candle at some point where your coin goes 3x in the span of like, 2 transactions. THIS IS THE POINT WHERE YOU SHOULD SELL TO BREAK EVEN

  • Do your first sell on initial sniper call to get your initial money back.
  • Sell slowly on second pump to fund the callers.