
The windows port:tm:!

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Portal 2 32 player mod (WINDOWS EDITION)

This specific version of the plugin is meant for windows. Therefore (since i'm a primarily linux user) it will sometimes be out of sync or not as up to date as the linux version. I am creating a separate repository in case if the featureset will divolge over time for both of the supported OS's.

This plugin is specifically meant as an addition to @kyleraykbs 32 player mod for Portal 2. It currently has very limited functionality but I have plans to expand soon.

Current features:

  • vscript function GetPlayerName, same as above, just a binding for vscript
  • vscript function AddChatCallback, provided with a string of a callback function x, it will call it simularly to x(userid, "message text")

If you got any issues, feel free to report, also seeking windows build maintainers since i kinda don't want to spend my time on setting up a cross compiler