Dojo is provable game engine, providing a comprehensive framework and toolchain for building verifiable games and autonomous worlds.
Please take a quick view at the contribution guidelines first.
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
Frameworks, plugins and utilities for Dojo.
- Dojoup - Update or revert to a specific Dojo branch with ease.
Templates, libraries or utilities that use Dojo.
- Crypts And Caverns Dojo Map - An Example projects of integrating C&C maps developed by the CHE-DAO team with Dojo.
- Dope Wars: Roll Your Own - An onchain adaptation of the classic Drug Wars game developed by the Cartridge team.
- Drive AI - An onchain driving simulator controlled by a neural network developed by the Cartridge team.
- Realms Autonomous World - The Realms Autonomous World
- Stark Lander - Land on the Moon!
- Chess Dojo - A chess game built on Dojo.
- PixeLAW - A pixel grid-based Autonomous World with coexisting games (i.e. Paint, Snake, Rock-Paper-Scissors).
- zDefender - An onchain tower defense.
- zKnight - An onchain strategy game
- StarkLand - Full On-chain Multiplayer Online Simulation Game (FOMOSLG) built on Starknet.