
Simple DIY CD/DVD Changer Robot


As Simple as Possible CD/ DVD Disk Changer Robot

This is a work in progress


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Project sources


I intend to archive all of my several hundred audio CDs to gain shelf space. So I try to build a small robot capable of changing the disks that

  • uses as few parts as possible
  • can be built from cheap, standard or scrap-, plus some 3D printed parts
  • is of small size so that it can be stowed away easily

Status Status


Like most commercial units, I believe that a beam with a grabber mechanism should work best and helps to get a rather small unit. I was thinking about a suitable mechanism for grabing, that is easy to build but found no satisfactory solution. There's a project available using a carved wooden grabber with a solenoid, but thats too fragile in my opinion, also probably heavy. After finding cheap industrial vacuum cups on ebay (10€), I decided to go with that.

Parts used (so far)

  • 8mm rod from old printer
  • GT2 timing belt from old scanner for Z axis
  • smaller GT2 timing belt for X (rotational) axis
  • 3D-printed belt pulleys
    • find several openscad pulleys on thingiverse
  • ball bearings, one flanged (F688ZZ), one normal (608)
  • tiny ball bearing pressed into the idler pulley
  • 3D-printed bearing holder (inside enclosure)
  • cheapo aluminum enclosure
  • industrial vacuum cup with spring ebay + ebay
  • two stepper motors from old scanners
    • Mitsumi M35SP-7N, 4 Ohms, set to ~500mA
    • Motor pinions fit GT2 belt
  • Crumbuino, similar to an Arduino Nano
  • 2 pololu / StepStick stepper controller ebay
  • grbl 0.9x to control the beast

Issues & Todo

  • Find a nice, simple way to sense that the arm has arrived at the stack of CDs while moving down the z-axis.

    • The vacuum cup has a spring, probably add some optical or hall sensor to detect when the spirng engages? (could be too much force, though)
  • Homing

    • X-Axis: Add a magnet on the motor and a Hall Sensor
    • Z-Axis: Hall or optical?
  • Modify grbl and add a G-Code (M66?) so that, while picking up or dropping of a disc the arm's z-axis can move an arbitrary distance, depending on the size of stack of discs left to pick up or already dropped off.

  • Need a method on how to detect the presence of a disk. Current draft idea is to use CNY70 refelctive optical sensor. Should simply trigger an interrrupt and send some short ascii token via the serial connection.

  • The linear bearing (LM8UU) does not like the forces indiced by the changer arm and sometimes gets stuck. This is probably due to my bearing being a cheap chinese type. Use a brass or sintered bronce bearing?

  • In order to save parts and a second rod, I intended the arm to be stabilized rotationally only by the belt. this is very inaccurate, the arm wiggles. could work, though.

  • The vacuum cup just needs a pneumatic solenoid valve to hold a CD, i.e. no vacuum is necessary, but it wont hold for long. Therefore, I plan to use a tiny vacuum pump nevertheless.


  • 2013-08-27
    • avr & pololus replaced, devised simple robot arm calibration strategy
  • 2013-05-31
    • tested mechanics with grbl. works nicely. Set motors to ~500mA each.
    • messed with the cables: fried avr and pololus (got 12V on VDD)
    • Ordered replacements
  • 2013-05-30
    • completed mechanical prototype