
Primary LanguageSolidity

Gachapon (WIP)

On-chain automated raffling system.

  • Owner is able to create a new raffle by inserting ERC721's into the Gachapon
  • Users are able to mint tickets as ERC721's by burning an underlying ERC20
  • Owner reveals raffle by requesting Chainlink VRF
  • Winning tickets are able to claim the prizes

This repo will move completely to foundry once forge verify-contracts works.

├── AuctionHouse.sol - "Auction Contract"
├── Gachapon.sol - "Raffling system"
├── Marketplace.sol - "Marketplace to allow purchases of limited off-chain items"
├── SoulboundTickets.sol - "ERC721 tickets that can be bought to enter a raffle; Soulbound"
├── Tickets.sol - "ERC721 tickets that can be bought to enter a raffle"
├── lib
│   ├── Choice.sol - "Library for returning an array of winners"
│   ├── Ownable.sol
│   └── interfaces.sol
└── test
    ├── ArrayUtils.sol
    ├── Gachapon.t.sol
    ├── TestDeploy.sol
    ├── WhitelistMarket.t.sol
    └── mocks

These contracts can be tried out at the Mad Mouse Circus Slot-Machine. Contracts: