
DID Driver for the polygonid method

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Driver for the polygonid DID method. Specification.

How to run locally:

  1. Create file resolvers.settings.yaml with resolver settings:
            contractAddress: "0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124"
            networkURL: "https://polygon-amoy..."
  2. Build docker container:
    docker build -t driver-did-polygonid:local .
  3. Run docker conainer:
    docker run -p 8080:8080 driver-did-polygonid:local

How to run e2e tests:

  1. Create file resolvers.settings.yaml with resolver settings:
            contractAddress: "0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124"
            networkURL: "<POLYGON_AMOY_RPC_URL>"
  2. Build docker container:
    docker build -t driver-did-polygonid:local .
  3. Run docker conainer:
    docker run -p 8080:8080 driver-did-polygonid:local
  4. To run postman tests, you have two options. First, you can import the tests/e2e/users_tests.postman_collection.json collection into Postman. Alternatively, you can install Newman and run the tests from the command line interface.:
    npm install -g newman
  5. Run users e2e tests:
    newman run tests/e2e/users_tests.postman_collection.json