
SDK to work with Polygon ID

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Privado ID JS SDK

SDK to work with Privado ID using JavaScript and TypeScript languages.



npm install @0xpolygonid/js-sdk


And place actual circuits to test/proofs/testdata

curl -LO https://iden3-circuits-bucket.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/latest.zip


Run unit tests:

npm run test

Note: mtp / sig / auth / rhs files contain integration tests!

To run them, please set following variables:

export WALLET_KEY="...key in hex format"
export RPC_URL="...url to network rpc node"
export RHS_URL="..reverse hash service url"
export IPFS_URL="url for ipfs"
export STATE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="state contract address"
export RHS_CONTRACT_ADDRESS="reverse hash service contract address"


Please see examples for visit examples information.


Generate documentation

  1. Define path where documentation repository is located, for example:

        const DOCS_DIR = '../js-sdk-tutorials/docs/api';
  2.      npm run tsc:declaration:watch
  3.      npm run doc:watch:website

Documentation can be found here


js-sdk is part of the 0xPolygonID project copyright 2024 ZKID Labs AG

This project is licensed under either of

at your option.