
Polygon ID issuer refers to the entity responsible for issuing unique identifiers, known as Polygon IDs, on the Polygon network. The Polygon network is a popular Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, designed to improve scalability and reduce transaction costs.

To learn more about Polygon ID issuer, see this.


Architecture diagram


Quick install with Google Cloud Marketplace

Get up and running with a few clicks! Install this Polygon Issuer Node app to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster using Google Cloud Marketplace. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Command line instructions

You can use Google Cloud Shell or a local workstation to complete the following steps.

Open in Cloud Shell


Set up command-line tools

Make sure you have these tools installed.

Configure gcloud as a Docker credential helper:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster

If you have an existing GKE cluster you can use that otherwise you can create a new cluster from the command line.


gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER --region=$REGION --project $PROJECT

Configure kubectl to connect to the new cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER --region=$REGION --project $PROJECT

For zonal clusters, use --zone=ZONE instead of --region=REGION.

Clone this repo and the associated tools repo.

git clone https://github.com/0xPolygonID/polygonid-issuer-marketplace
cd polygonid-issuer-marketplace

Install the Application resource definition

An Application resource is a collection of individual Kubernetes components, such as Services, Deployments, and so on, that you can manage as a group.

To set up your cluster to understand Application resources, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/marketplace-k8s-app-tools/master/crd/app-crd.yaml"

You need to run this command once. The Application resource is defined by the Kubernetes SIG-apps community. The source code can be found on github.com/kubernetes-sigs/application.

Configure the app with environment variables

Choose the instance name and namespace for the app:

export APP_INSTANCE_NAME=polygon-id-issuer  #Sample name for the application
export NAMESPACE=default #Namespace where you want to deploy the application

Set the values for the domains where you want to access to your application and privatekey,static IP.

export APP_DOMAIN=app.example.com                       # Domain for the API UI
export UI_DOMAIN=ui.example.com                         # Domain for the UI
export API_DOMAIN=api.example.com                       # Domain for the API
export PRIVATE_KEY='YOUR PRIVATE KEY'                   # Private key of the wallet.
export STATIC_IP='YOUR STATIC IP'                       # Provide the Static IP if you have any otherwise leave this field.
export UI_PASSWORD='ui password'                        # Password to login the UI
export ISSUER_NAME='YOUR DESIRED ISSUER NAME'           # Provide the Issuer Name.
export MAINNET='true'                                   #'False' if you want to use testnet.
export VAULT_PASSWORD="PASSWORD TO ACCESS VAULT SEVER"  # Vault password that will be used by application to access vault server
export RHSMODE="None"                                   # None| OnChain | OffChain
export RHSURL="https://rhs-staging.polygonid.me/"       # Reuired if RHSMODE is OffChain

Remove the --set staticip="$STATIC_IP" if you don't have static IP; ingress resource will automatically creates an IP address.


If you static ip name is polygon-id-issuer-ip and the value is you can setup the domain as below.

export APP_DOMAIN=app.  #Domain for the API UI
export UI_DOMAIN=ui.    #Domain for the UI
export API_DOMAIN=api.  #Domain for the API

Install the helm chart

helm install "$APP_INSTANCE_NAME" chart/polygon-id-issuer \
  --create-namespace --namespace "$NAMESPACE" \
  --set appdomain="$APP_DOMAIN" \
  --set uidomain="$UI_DOMAIN" \
  --set apidomain="$API_DOMAIN" \
  --set privatekey="$PRIVATE_KEY" \
  --set staticip="$STATIC_IP" \
  --set issuerName="$ISSUER_NAME" \
  --set uiPassword="$UI_PASSWORD" \
  --set mainnet="$MAINNET" \
  --set ethereumUrl="$ETHEREUMURL" \
  --set vaultpwd="$VAULT_PASSWORD" \
  --set rhsmode="$RHSMODE" \
  --set rhsurl="$RHSURL"

Using the app

Retrieve IP address of both the Ingress using this command

kubectl get ingress app-ingress -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Add the DNS records for all the domains to the above IP, if you are using staticip as parameter above you can directly map to that IP instead of retrieving from ingress.