
Reading notes formulated during class

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Paul Brown's Reading Notes

Here's a link to all my Reading Notes during my Code Fellows journey:

The HTML version of this page can be found here

Table of Contents

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

401 Notes
Notes Details Challenge
401.00 Growth Mindset
401.00 Terminal commands
401.00 SQL Intros
401.01 Notes
401.02 Notes
401.03 Notes
401.04 Notes
401.05 Notes
401.06 Notes Basic Auth
401.07 Notes JWT
401.08 Notes
401.09 Notes
401.10 Notes
401.11 Notes
401.12 Notes
401.13 Notes
401.14 Notes
401.15 Notes
401.16 Notes
401.17 Notes
401.18 Notes
401.19 Notes
401.20 Notes
401.21 Notes
401.22 Notes
401.23 Notes
401.24 Notes
401.25 Notes
401.26 Notes
401.27 Notes
401.28 Notes
401.29 Notes
401.30 Notes
401.31 Notes
401.32 Notes
401.33 Notes
401.34 Notes
401.35 Notes
401.36 Notes
401.37 Notes
401.38 Notes
401.39 Notes
401.40 Notes
401.41 Notes
Materials ready for review screenshot

Code 301 - Intermediate Software Development

301 Notes
Notes Details Challenge
301.01 Notes React and Component-Based Architecture Array forEach
301.02 Notes React State and Props Array map
301.03 Notes Functions as Props Array filter
301.04 Notes React and Forms Array sort
301.05 Notes Conditional Rendering, Routing Array reduce
301.06 Notes Asynchronous Code and Third Party APIs Value vs Reference
301.07 Notes Express Servers Split, join, slice, splice
301.08 Notes APIs Regex
301.09 Notes Modularization, Refactoring Object keys, values, entries
301.10 Notes Persistence 2d Arrays
301.11 Notes MongoDB, Mongoose and Data Modeling Method Chaining
301.12 Notes Creating and Deleting resources Regex 2
301.13 Notes Updating Resources includes, every, substring, chartAt
301.14 Notes Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in Tech -
301.15 Notes Authentication -
201 Notes
Notes Details Assignments
201.01 Notes Introduction to Development
201.02 Notes Basics of HTML, CSS, JS Lab 02
201.03 Notes Control Flow; Box Model Lab 03
201.04 Notes Javascript Functions; Pair Programming
201.05 Notes Images, Color, Style; Branching
201.06 Notes Javascript Objects; The DOM Salmon Cookies
201.07 Notes OOP; HTML Tables
201.08 Notes CSS Layout: Flex
201.09 Notes HTML Forms & JavaScript Events html example
201.10 Notes JS Debugging; CSS Layouts
201.11 Notes A/V; Accessibility; Math.random()
201.12 Notes 3rd Party Libraries and Documentation
201.13 Notes Application State with Local Storage API
201.14 Notes Psycological Safety Psycological Safety Assignment
201.15 Notes Project Kickoff

Code 102 - Intro to Software Development

102 Notes
Notes Details Experiments
Class 01 Notes Intro
Class 02 Notes Computer Commands
Class 03 Notes git commands
Class 04 Notes HTML basics
Class 05 Notes CSS Basics
Class 06 Notes Intro to Javascript test06
Class 07 Notes Javascript Functions test07
Class 08 Notes Operators and Loops
Class 09 Notes
Class 10 Notes
102 Labwork

Code 401 - Advanced Software Development

Quick list


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