
Pattern of working

  • I have created a mock API using Beeceptor which will return a list of users.
  • I have created a dummy login and user registration page.
  • In this , I have consumed the API(Mock API - which i was created) and got the list of users registered.
  • After that,I displayed the records stored in API using HTML,CSS,BOOTSTRAP as UI.
  • After Login using dummy email id and password it redirects to the dashboard page.
  • In dashboard page,User records were displayed.
  • when a user clicks on a particular record,he/she should be able to see the respective details of that user.
  • While showing the details ,I also provided next and previous user in the list.

accessibility text

Note : Beeceptor provides only 50 requests per day.So,if the above error occurs it means 50 requests per day is complete.

Website hosted

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Sample screenshots

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