
Easily create custom neumorphic container widgets for your own unique design.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Clay Containers for implementing beautiful, modern neumorphic designs.

Clay Containers

Easily create and customize beautiful, modern neumorphic containers for your Flutter project. These clay containers can become the basis for your own unique neumorphic designs.


Add clay_containers to your project as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. This is a simple Dart plugin, so additional configuration for iOS and Android is not needed.


Simple ClayContainer

For best results, set the background color of a surrounding Widget to match the color you will set for your clay container. Since it is likely you'll reuse this base color multiple times (especially if you end up doing something fancy) it's good to set this color to a single value. In the following example it is set to baseColor.

import 'package:clay_containers/clay_containers.dart';

class MyExampleScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    Color baseColor = Color(0xFFF2F2F2);

    return Container(
        color: baseColor,
        child: Center(
          child: ClayContainer(
            color: baseColor,
            height: 200,
            width: 200,

ClayContainer example.

ClayContainer with Child

In the previous example the ClayContainer was given height and width since it has no child. ClayContainer behaves the same as a normal Container and needs to be either given height and width or a child to be visible. In the following example, the ClayContainer will receive a child. However, I'm going to wrap that child in some Padding in order to make sure it isn't flesh with the edge of the parent container.

    color: baseColor,
    child: Padding(
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(20),
      child: Text(
        "Seize the Clay!",
        style: TextStyle(
          fontSize: 40,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w200,
          color: Colors.black45,

Clay container example with child.

Rounded ClayContainers

Don't be a square! Use borderRadius to add some flare. If you want a uniform borderRadius you can simply set it directly in the ClayContainer constructor.

          color: baseColor,
          height: 150,
          width: 150,
          borderRadius: 75,

A rounded ClayContainer.

If you want to pass your own custom BorderRadius object, that is available as well: In that case pass it to customBorderRadius.

          color: baseColor,
          height: 150,
          width: 150,
          customBorderRadius: BorderRadius.only(
              topRight: Radius.elliptical(150, 150),
              bottomLeft: Radius.circular(50)),

A weird shaped ClayContainer.

Change Default Spread and Depth

Don't like the default look of the neumorphic effect? Change the base variables. Do whatever you want. I'm not your mom.

          color: baseColor,
          height: 150,
          width: 150,
          borderRadius: 75,
          depth: 40,
          spread: 40,

A ClayContainer as deep as a freshmen Philosophy class.

Concave and Convex ClayContainers

Give your ClayContainer a convex or a concave look by passing either CurveType.concave or CurveType.convex to the curveType parameter.

          mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
          children: <Widget>[
              color: baseColor,
              height: 150,
              width: 150,
              borderRadius: 75,
              curveType: CurveType.concave,
            SizedBox(width: 50),
              color: baseColor,
              height: 150,
              width: 150,
              borderRadius: 75,
              curveType: CurveType.none,
            SizedBox(width: 50),
              color: baseColor,
              height: 150,
              width: 150,
              borderRadius: 75,
              curveType: CurveType.convex,

Concave, flat, and convex ClayContainers.

Animate It!

Animation is not something included in this plugin, but having these values abstracted makes it easier to do things like animate your neumorphic elements. You can find the source for the example image below in this project's ./example folder.

Very animated. Much cool.