
A living collection of tools, learning resources, and other things related to building Web3 on Blockchain

MIT LicenseMIT

Web3/Blockchain Resources

A collection of Web3 learning resources for developers interested in learning about Blockchain/Web3 Development.


This space is intended for community driven learning. A space where we can learn about developing with blockchain or other web3 technologies.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Tools
  3. Layer 1's
  4. Layer 2's
  5. Smart Contracts
  6. NFT's
  7. DeFi
  8. DAOs
  9. Oracles
  10. ZK Proofs
  11. Identity - DID's, SBTs, and VCs
  12. Decentralized File Storage
  13. Other

General upkeep (adding, editing and removing resources)

Blockchain and web3 technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Due to the speed that technolgy and the ecosystem changes we all need to work togeather to keep this updated. If you ever feel like a resources has become out, would like to add additional resources, or add a new resources please open an Issue, select from one of the templates and then create a Pull Request.

Title: Add Hardhat to Tools

Category: Tools

Description: Hardhat is a library for modern frontend web applications to interact with blockchain. It allows for developers to run a local blockchain environment, run tests, and debug Solidity code.

URL: https://hardhat.org/