
PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


PEDA - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB

Key Features:

  • Enhance the display of gdb: colorize and display disassembly codes, registers, memory information during debugging.
  • Add commands to support debugging and exploit development (for a full list of commands use peda help):
Command Description 描述
aslr Show/set ASLR setting of GDB 显示/设置 GDB 的地址空间布局随机化(ASLR)设置
asmsearch Search for ASM instructions in memory 在内存中搜索汇编(ASM)指令
assemble On the fly assemble and execute instructions using NASM 使用 NASM 即时汇编和执行指令
breakrva Set breakpoint by Relative Virtual Address (RVA) 按相对虚拟地址(RVA)设置断点
checksec Check for various security options of binary 检查二进制文件的各种安全选项
cmpmem Compare content of a memory region with a file 将内存区域的内容与文件进行比较
context Display various information of current execution context 显示当前执行上下文的各种信息
context_code Display nearby disassembly at $PC of current execution context 显示当前执行上下文中 $PC 附近的反汇编代码
context_register Display register information of current execution context 显示当前执行上下文的寄存器信息
context_stack Display stack of current execution context 显示当前执行上下文的堆栈信息
crashdump Display crashdump info and save to file 显示崩溃转储信息并保存到文件
deactive Bypass a function by ignoring its execution (eg sleep/alarm) 通过忽略函数的执行来绕过该函数(例如 sleep/alarm)
distance Calculate distance between two addresses 计算两个地址之间的距离
dumpargs Display arguments passed to a function when stopped at a call instruction 在停止于调用指令时显示传递给函数的参数
dumpmem Dump content of a memory region to raw binary file 将内存区域的内容转储为原始二进制文件
dumprop Dump all ROP gadgets in specific memory range 在指定的内存范围内转储所有 ROP 小工具
eflags Display/set/clear/toggle value of eflags register 显示/设置/清除/切换 eflags 寄存器的值
elfheader Get headers information from debugged ELF file 获取调试 ELF 文件的头信息
elfsymbol Get non-debugging symbol information from an ELF file 获取 ELF 文件中的非调试符号信息
gennop Generate abitrary length NOP sled using given characters 使用给定字符生成任意长度的 NOP sled
getfile Get exec filename of current debugged process 获取当前调试进程的可执行文件名
getpid Get PID of current debugged process 获取当前调试进程的 PID
goto Continue execution at an address 在指定地址继续执行
help Print the usage manual for PEDA commands 打印 PEDA 命令的使用手册
hexdump Display hex/ascii dump of data in memory 显示内存中的十六进制/ASCII 转储数据
hexprint Display hexified of data in memory 显示内存中数据的十六进制表示
jmpcall Search for JMP/CALL instructions in memory 在内存中搜索 JMP/CALL 指令
loadmem Load contents of a raw binary file to memory 将原始二进制文件的内容加载到内存中
lookup Search for all addresses/references to addresses which belong to a memory range 搜索属于某个内存范围的所有地址/引用地址


git clone https://github.com/longld/peda.git ~/peda
echo "source ~/peda/peda.py" >> ~/.gdbinit
echo "DONE! debug your program with gdb and enjoy"



pattern arg
