Udacity FSND Fourth project This is a full stack app built with python flask, sqlalchemy and jinja2, users are able to log in using their google account through oauth. authenticated user can create/edit/delete item's
Visit: https://udacity-itemscatalog.herokuapp.com/ for a live version.
- Create a project in https://console.developers.google.com
- go to Credentials -> OAuth consent screen and fill it with the appropriate information
- go to Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 client IDs and edit it to add your authorized javascript origins and authroized redirect urls, my app work with http://localhost:5000/ in both fields.
- download the config and place it in the root directory of the project
- copy the client id from the config and place it in data-clientid span in
Python 2.7
install project dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
create database and populate it.
python database_setup.py
python database_populate.py
python project.py
visit http://localhost:5000/
- I implemented the image handling for items images, and used the random string generation used in the course to defend against csrf attack. for a json format output
- append /JSON for a specific catalog's/item's endpoint to get a JSON output for that catalog's/item's.
- /catalog.json endpoint will return a JSON format for the complete catalog's and corresponding item's.
the google oauth code used to authenticate the user is the same that was used in the course. https://github.com/udacity/ud330