
Dark Souls character planner.

Primary LanguageClojure


A collection of command-line tools which help you plan your Dark Souls character.

The data set is taken from


many thanks to him!


The syntax is

$ lein run TOOL TOOL-ARGS

Currently, there's only one tool, SUITUP

$ lein run suitup MIN-POISE MAX-WEIGHT BODY-PART ...

MIN-POISE and MAX-WEIGHT are floats; known body parts include head, torso, legs, and arms. A typical query might look like so:

$ lein run suitup 36 24 torso legs arms >SUITS36

which will print all helmet-less suits which provide at least 36 poise while weighing at most 24 pounds, sorted by DEF.


Copyright 2012 jakob@primat.es

Distributed under the new BSD license.