
Toy programs and snippets.

Primary LanguageProlog

             _             _                 _
            (_)_   _ _ __ | | _____ ___   __| | ___
            | | | | | '_ \| |/ / __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \
            | | |_| | | | |   < (_| (_) | (_| |  __/
           _/ |\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\___\___/ \__,_|\___|


C.f. http://www.samba.org/junkcode/


  • betsim -- betting simulation
  • card.scm -- Query VTES spoiler DB.
  • careers.pl -- WFRP2E careers as a Prolog DB.
  • conc.erl -- Conc-lists in Erlang.
  • cut.clj -- Clojure implementation of Scheme's `cut' macro.
  • deal.scm -- Compute card-draw probability tables.
  • flydabbrev.el -- On-the-fly dabbrevs for Emacs.
  • layout.awk -- Style checker.
  • libksh -- Shell utilities.
  • libquery -- Query OrgMode tables via AWK.
  • mcat -- cat(1) for mcrypt(1).
  • mkchar -- WFRP2E character generator in Shell & AWK.
  • mkhtml -- Simple s-exp->HTML translator in Elisp.
  • q3pwn.sh -- Q3A traffic amplification PoC.
  • randmac -- Set your MAC address to a random, legal value.
  • safersync -- rsync(1) suspenders.
  • tumblr2pinboard.sh -- Migrate Tumblr links to Pinboard.
  • unpack -- More generic than tar -x.

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