
Riak implementations of MeshUp interfaces.

Primary LanguageErlang

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RiMU is a system for executing MeshUp workflows on top of Riak.

It does this by:

  • Establishing a naming convention for use in MeshUp contracts (which corresponds roughly to a query language).
  • Providing meshup_store implementations for use by MeshUp internally (rimu_session_store) and by workflows running in MeshUp (rimu_store).
  • Starting servers which handle recovery (rimu_session_logger, rimu_session_monitor).
  • Defining some basic resolvers for common conflict scenarios.

Additionaly, you get:

  • A nice CRUD-style API to Riak (rimu). See in particular rimu:transaction/3.
  • An implementation of distributed counters for Riak (rimu_counters).

RiMU relies on KRC for the actual communication with a Riak cluster.


jakob@fluffy.primat.es:~/git/klarna/rimu$ gmake

jakob@fluffy.primat.es:~/git/klarna/rimu$ gmake test #needs Riak cluster


  • rimu.app.src -- application resource file
  • rimu.erl -- Direct DB access
  • rimu.hrl -- shared macros and such
  • rimu_app.erl -- application
  • rimu_counters.erl -- Distributed counters
  • rimu_names.erl -- RiMU contract format
  • rimu_resolver_defaulty.erl -- Fails to merge anything
  • rimu_resolver_eq.erl -- Merges equal things
  • rimu_resolver_session.erl -- Merges sessions
  • rimu_resolver_tombstone.erl -- Resolves conflicts caused by tombstones
  • rimu_session_logger.erl -- Meshup session logger
  • rimu_session_monitor.erl -- Recovery
  • rimu_session_store.erl -- MeshUp session store
  • rimu_store.erl -- DB access from MeshUp
  • rimu_sup.erl -- supervisor
  • rimu_test.erl -- test helpers