- 0
Ignore comment lines in user file
#28 opened by secureality - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'o365spray'
#22 opened by Fr0gZero - 3
Setup install broken
#16 opened by 0xZDH - 10
Run_in_executor pattern over the userlist in enumeration module eats up memory unpredictably with large lists
#21 opened by Macmod - 8
Feature Request: Safe Mode
#1 opened by seajaysec - 0
Validate username and password files on start
#23 opened by 0xZDH - 1
Problems with running Domain Validation
#20 opened by AaronDolenec - 2
Spraying doesn't start due to UnicodeDecodeError
#17 opened by Ma100Dev - 2
- 7
- 2
Add additional code indicating Password was fine, but Conditional Access Policy thwarted attempt
#13 opened by mgeeky - 3
Doesn't work with Python 3.9+
#12 opened by mgeeky - 1
Object\Attribute Error
#8 opened by KRMaxM