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1 Inch Multi Chain Price Analysis

One inch provides trading on Ethereum, Binance, Optimism and Polygon. Lets compare the prices on each chain.

  • Pick one trading pair: ETH vs USDC
  • Work with a set of trade sizes: $100, $1000, $10000, $100000
  • Calculate gas costs and factor in
  • Capture a small interval: Every minute for 30 minutes.
  • Calculate the bid ask spread in basis points (1 bp = 0.01%)
  • That's it

Summary Results

Without Gas

Size Mainnet Optimism Binance Polygon
$100 38 3 -2 4
$1000 37 18 15 8
$10000 36 60 18 18
$100000 11 200 25 39

With Gas

Size Mainnet Optimism Binance Polygon
$100 15574 9 253 5
$1000 1590 19 44 8
$10000 192 60 22 18
$100000 32 200 26 39


Graphs Available on Skynet here