
Minimalistic CV Generator built using React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CV Application

Get your CV done fast and hassle-free with our intuitive tool

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Project Overview

  • The CV Application was primarily developed to gain a better understanding of React fundamentals.

  • Building this application enabled me to learn about State Management, React Hooks, and leverage Vite's features for deploying production-ready applications.

  • Considered a warm-up project, I focused on the core concepts and did not delve into intricate details, such as the implementation of the Header and Footer.

  • Developed as part of the partial completion of the Odin Project's Full-Stack JavaScript Path.

  • Since this was my initial experience with React, the code quality may not be optimal. However, I am committed to refining my coding practices through continuous practice and building more applications with React.



If you prefer not to install it locally, you can also access the live demo version

To set up the CV Application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/0xabdulkhalid/cv-application.git
  2. Navigate to the project's directory:

    cd cv-application
  3. Install the project's dependencies using npm:

    npm install
  4. Building the source for Production using Vite:

    npm run build
  5. The build files can be found on dist (distribution) directory.

Pagespeed Insights Score

  • Overall Score 99.3%, Average of Mobile and Desktop
    [ Mobile devices score is only shown below ]
    Check out Pagespeed Insights to get live score

Built With

React    TailwindCSS

Tools Used

NPM   Google   Visual Studio Code   Git   Figma

  Prettier   Eslint    Vite

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