
The official python server for Muzika applications

Primary LanguagePython

Muzika Backend

Muzika backend supports artists to upload paper files, spread out the files to IPFS network and to create contracts for registering the artists' paper in the block chain network.

Install IPFS

Install IPFS from https://ipfs.io/docs/install

Modify IPFS Configuration

After installing IPFS, execute IPFS daemon and it will create a new config file ~/.ipfs/config.

$ ipfs daemon

Change IPFS config file(saved in ~/.ipfs/config) to support websocket for interacting with IPFS nodes in client browser.

$ vi ~/.ipfs/config
  "Addresses": {
    "Swarm": [
  "Swarm": {
    "DisableRelay": false,
    "EnableRelayHop": true,

Add an address for interacting with browser websocket IPFS. (ex. /ip4/ If you want to change the websocket address port, change 4004 to other port number.

Change DisableRelay to false, and EnableRelayHop to true.

After changing IPFS configuration, restart IPFS daemon.

$ ipfs daemon

Compile solidity codes

Compile solidity codes for generating contracts. The

$ cd muzika-contract
$ npm install
$ truffle compile