
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Solidity React Storage

This project is made of a simple solidity contract (set/get a number) and a web interface to call functions on it.

I've used the Truffle framework for everything related to the smart contract: create the environment, set up the testnet with Ganache, compile and deploy the contract.

The frontend is made with React, using the box provided by Truffle along with Create React App, and Web3 to interact with the ethereum network client-side.

Finally, Metamask is needed to actually accept/reject transactions to the network



  • NodeJS >= 10
  • Metamask

Clone the repo, then run:

$ cd solidity-react-storage
$ npm i -g truffle # this is needed globally, since you'll use the console for working with the contract
$ npm install # install utility packages
$ cd client
$ npm install # setup the frontend


Let's start working on the contract in a local environment. Run:

$ truffle develop

This will start a local blockchain, with a wallet for you, and some accounts ready to be used! So, while you are in the truffle console, run these commands:

truffle(develop)> compile
truffle(develop)> migrate

The final step is to start the frontend. So, open up another terminal, and run:

$ cd solidity-react-storage/client
$ npm run start

This will start a local dev server using the 3000 port, and there you can play with the web interface, set a new value for the contract, and read its new value.

Deploy to Ropsten

Don't use the same wallet you used for local development! If you want go from ropsten back to local development, you'll get weird errors about nonce mismatches, linked to Metamask caching. Save you some headaches by using a different wallet when using ropsten

Copy .env.example to .env, and set the appropriate env variables. You will need the mnemonic for a wallet, and then an Infura API key to interact with the network. Then start the truffle console with truffle develop, and run these commands:

truffle(develop)> compile
truffle(develop)> migrate --network ropsten

Now the contract has been deployed to ropsten, so switch the network inside Metamask, and you're done!