
Partial copy of the SlipStreamServer repo, for collaborative development towards the use of CIMI under the mF2C platform

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Partial copy of the SlipStreamServer repo, for collaborative development towards the use of CIMI under the mF2C platform

Contributors Guide

Only members of the cimi-mf2c-team can contribute to this repository.

To join the cimi-mf2c-team you need to send an email, confirming you agree with the copyright and licensing terms of the underlying software. In summary, all uses of this software are subject to the Apache 2.0 Licensing Terms and Conditions which can be found in this same repository. By joining the cimi-mf2c-team, collaborators agree that for all submitted content, SixSq's copyright shall be preserved.

Please print the "Contributor License Agreement" in the root directory of this repository, sign it and send it back by email (PDF format preferred) to support@sixsq.com.