
A web tool that combines Web3 and W3C standard protocols to manage user's identity

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Login tool for RSK

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Integrate rLogin into your app and allow your users to choose their favorite wallets to login. With a single tool you will get connected to their wallet using an API compatible with Metamask, continue developing as you did.

Wallet support:

  • Browser wallets: Metamask, Nifty, Liquality
  • Mobile wallets via Wallet Connect
  • Custodial wallets: Portis, Torus
  • Hardware wallets: Ledger, Trezor, D'Cent

Network support:

  • RSK Mainnet, RSK Testnet
  • Etheruem, Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, Gorely

EIP 1193 support

Clients support:

  • ethers, web3.js and others

Getting started

Follow this guide to configure rLogin in minutes

Sample app: rsksmart/rLogin-sample-apps

1. Install rLogin

yarn add @rsksmart/rlogin

Add wallets peer dependecies:

Wallet provider Required package
Browser wallets none
Wallet Connect @walletconnect/web3-provider
Portis @portis/web3
Torus (beta) @toruslabs/torus-embed
Trezor @rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider
Ledger @rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider
D'Cent @rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider
yarn add @walletconnect/web3-provider @portis/web3 @toruslabs/torus-embed @rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider @rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider @rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider

2. Create the DOM element

import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'
import WalletConnectProvider from '@walletconnect/web3-provider'
import Portis from '@portis/web3'
import Torus from '@toruslabs/torus-embed'
import { trezorProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider'
import { ledgerProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider'
import { dcentProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider'

const rpcUrls = {
  30: 'https://public-node.rsk.co',
  31: 'https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co',

const supportedChains = Object.keys(rpcUrls).map(Number)

export const rLogin = new RLogin({
  providerOptions: {
    walletconnect: {
      package: WalletConnectProvider,
      options: {
        rpc: rpcUrls
    portis: {
      package: Portis,
      options: {
        id: "a1c8672b-7b1c-476b-b3d0-41c27d575920",
        network: {
          nodeUrl: 'https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co',
          chainId: 31,
    torus: {
        package: Torus,
    'custom-ledger': ledgerProviderOptions,
    'custom-dcent': dcentProviderOptions,
    'custom-trezor': {
      options: {
        manifestEmail: 'info@iovlabs.org',
        manifestAppUrl: 'https://basic-sample.rlogin.identity.rifos.org/',

We usually put this all together in a single file called rlogin.ts and export a single instance of RLogin. This ensures a single DOM element is creted.

3. Connect!

import { providers } from 'ethers'

const login = () => rLogin.connect()
    .then(({ provider, disconnect }) => {
        const provider = new providers.Web3Provider(provider)

You can use provider with your client of preference: Web3.js, ethjs, ethers.js or other.

Use disconnect to disconnect from the selected wallet. This single function simplifies handling the wallet specifics at all.

Read the docs

Read more in our docs:

Run for development

Install dependencies - downloads and install dependencies from npm

npm i


Run tests - runs with jest

npm test

Lint - runs eslint syntax checks

npm run lint


Build for production - builds umd into dist/main.js

npm run build

Build in watch mode - builds each time a file in src/ is updated

npm run build:dev

Serve the library - serves the library in http://localhost:5005

npm run serve

Metamask cannot be accessed without http - see https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/a/62217/620

The code

The key points:

  • src/RLogin.ts is the API. There we create the DOM element.
  • src/Core.ts handles the whole UX. It connects to the wallet, does the authentication, show the modal when triggered and so on.
  • src/ux has the different flows for the UX described. You will finde step1 or confirmInformation
  • src/ui are the visual components of the rLogin
  • src/lib has the wallet specifics and authentication implementations

The rLogin depends on web3modal for some functionality. We imported and adapted part of the code to enable us expanding the UX.

Run the sample apps

This apps are built specifically for e2e testing but you can run them to test your changes. We also recommend to yarn link and use rLogin-sample-apps to test them too

Basic app (no backend) - serves the rLogin and the front-end

npm run sample:dapp

Open flavor - will run a backend with authentication installed

npm run sample:open

Permissioned flavor - will also request specific information and connect to the RIF Data Vault

npm run sample:permissioned

e2e eith Cypress

We use Cypress to do the e2e. The apps used to do it are described above. You will also find @rsksmart/mock-web3-provider, this is our Mock simulating Metamask.

To run the cypress e2e testing scripts, start the app using the permissioned flavor.

npm run sample:permissioned

Then in a new terminal, start the Cypress app and interact with the tests:

npm run cypress:open

The Cypress tests can also be run in a headless browser by running the command:

npm run cypress:run

Branching model

  • master has latest release. Merge into master will deploy to npm. Do merge commits.
  • develop has latest approved PR. PRs need to pass ci. Do squash & merge.
  • Use branches pointing to develop to add new PRs.
  • Do external PRs against latest commit in develop.


Gas price calculation includes multiplication on 1.01 based on RSKIP09. While this is true for RSK, this operation may be unexpected if rLogin is used with other networks.