Dollar-cost averaging Kraken crypto exchange orders using their API
This is a project to make my life easier by being able to place DCA'd orders via Kraken's API and eventually automate it with cronjobs. The Kraken API was provided by
- Python3
- public & private API key
- adequate funding in Kraken account
Download this repo, add your API keys to the appropriate files. Now you can execute commands and results will look something like this if successful.
0xbea@DESKTOP:~/krakenAPI-dca$ ./order-dca xlmusd 15
Current price per unit: 0.50175100
Volume desired: 29.89530663616016709483
{"error":[],"result":{"descr":{"order":"buy 29.89530663 XLMUSD @ market"},"txid":["A9A9A9-AAAAAA-A9A9A9"]}}
With the Kraken API from, you can execute commands as follows:
# Kraken Rest API
# Usage: ./ method [parameters]
# Example: ./ Time
# Example: ./ OHLC pair=xbtusd interval=1440
# Example: ./ Balance
# Example: ./ OpenPositions
# Example: ./ AddOrder pair=xxbtzusd type=buy ordertype=market volume=0.003 leverage=5
You may schedule orders through methods like modifying the crontab file with crontab -e
# m h dom mon dow command
0 19 * * * /home/<username>/krakenAPI-dca/example-schedule >> log.txt
1. DCA purchase function
2. Create a cronjob.
3. More descriptive error reporting.