This repository is unmaintained and is remaining public to serve as a sample/reference for any other developers.


This is a SOPHOS Central PowerShell Module for SOPHOS Partners. It's still pretty beta and raw and looking for collaboration/contribution.

Getting Started

In the current iteration of the scripts, the way to get started is:

Import-Module .\SOPHOSPartnerCLI.psm1

Once Imported, running Set-SOPHOSCredentials will prompt for ClientID and ClientSecret. This will store the credentials in C:\Users%userprofile\sophos_partner_config.json and will automatically trigger Get-SOPHOSToken and Get-SOPHOSPartnerID.

Partnet Tenant Commands


Set-SOPHOSPartnerTenant gives you a list of tenants you can then select to start working with the Endpoint Commands


Export-SOPHOSPartnerTenant is designed to do a verbose dump of the partners tenants they have, this includes API Gateways, Tenant ID's etc.

Usage: Export-SOPHOSPartnerTenant -Redacted[Optional] -FileName[Optional]


New-SOPHOSPartnerTenant is for programatically addressing the function for additional services. As an engineer if there was a workflow that needed to be created for a batch job or some sort of processing to automatically create a new tenant. The Active Switch sets the tenant to the active tenant for the session

Usage: New-SOPHOSPartnerTenant -Active -CustomerName[Mandatory] -dataGeography[Mandatory] -FistName[Mandatory] -LastName[Mandatory] -Phone[Mandatory] -Mobile[Mandatory] -Address1[Mandatory] -Address2[Optional] -Address3[Optional] -City[Mandatory] -State[Mandatory] -CountryCode[Mandatory] -PostCode[Mandatory]


Get-SOPHOSTenantTemplate gives you a csv file ready to fill out and used with Import-SOPHOSTenantTemplate

Usage: Get-SOPHOSTenantTemplate -FileName[Optional]


Import-SOPHOSPartnerTenant is designed for Bulk Importation of customers to create tenants using the CSV Template from Get-SOPHOSTenantTemplate you can import bulk lots.

Usage: Import-SOPHOSPartnerTenant -FileName[Optional]

Endpoint Commands


Dumps a list of every tenants endpoints


Returns any endpoint with a health status of "bad"


Returns any endpoint with a health status of "suspicous"


Returns any endpoint with a health status of "good"