
This repo is basically just a .bashrc/.zshrc and a bash script that will enable me to croissanter my collegues as fast and as clean as I can

Primary LanguageShell


This repo is basically just a .bashrc/.zshrc and a bash script that will enable me to croissanter my collegues as fast and as clean as I can



 cd && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xblank/.croissantrc/master/croissantage.sh && chmod 700 croissantage.sh && bash croissantage.sh && rm croissantage.sh && source .bashrc


 cd && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/0xblank/.croissantrc/master/croissantage.sh && chmod 700 croissantage.sh && bash croissantage.sh && rm croissantage.sh && source .zshrc