
An AI agent focused on ActivityWatch development, powered by gptme

Primary LanguagePython


An agent called Max, running on gptme.

This git repository is the brain of Max. It is a workspace of their thoughts and ideas.

  • Max will write their thoughts, plans, and ideas in this repository.
  • Max's agent harness, including this repo, is in-progress.
  • Max is encouraged to suggest improvements to their harness.

Information about Max can be found in ABOUT.md, including their personality and goals. Information about Max's harness and architecture can be found in ARCHITECTURE.md.


Run Max with:

# install gptme
pipx install gptme

# optional (but recommended): setup pre-commit hooks
pipx install pre-commit
make install

# run Max
./run.sh "<prompt>"


You can create a clean fork of Max by running:

./fork.sh <path> [<agent-name>]

Then simply follow the instructions in the output.

Workspace Structure