File Type Checker is a .Net file identification library allowing developers to verify the file's magic numbers/identifying bytes against a whitelist.
The purpose of this code is to make it easier for people to add better file security functionality to their projects via a NuGet package.
Nuget package: FileTypeChecker
Via Package Manager:
Install-Package FileTypeChecker
Using an IoC container, register the instance in the container
new List<FileType>
new FileType("Portable Network Graphic", ".png",
new ExactFileTypeMatcher(new byte[] {0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A})),
new FileType("JPEG", ".jpg",
new FuzzyFileTypeMatcher(new byte?[] {0xFF, 0xD, 0xFF, 0xE0, null, null, 0x4A, 0x46, 0x49, 0x46, 0x00})),
new FileType("Portable Document Format", ".pdf", new RangeFileTypeMatcher(new ExactFileTypeMatcher(new byte[] { 0x25, 0x50, 0x44, 0x46 }), 1019))
Register the FileTypeChecker
concrete implementation to the IFileTypeChecker
interface. Wherever you need the checker, dependency inject it and use it like below.
// pdf is a stream containing a PDF
var fileType = checker.GetFileType(pdf);
I have seen too many projects allow file uploads any the only validation that occurs is the filename extension. This project exists because there needs to be a plug and play library that facilites mitigating this security issue.
For a list of file magic numbers, I have found these sites to be useful.
Based on mjolka's answer to the Stack Overflow question Guessing a file type based on its content.
This repo is forked from and the original code can be found in the "original" branch (preserving for posterity). I have changed the namespaces/project name to better describe the purpose.