
Simple aliases for everyday git

Primary LanguageMakefile


Simple aliases for git.

To install:

git clone https://github.com/0xc00010ff/git-alias &&
cd git-alias &&
make install

To verify, run git aliases

  • a : add
    Add a file to the index
  • amend : commit --amend
    Add currently staged changes to the previous commit (or just rename the previous commit)
  • aliases : config --get-regexp alias
    List all aliases
  • b : branch
    List current branches
  • ball : branch --all
    List all branches, including remote copies
  • brnach : branch
    Common typo for branch
  • c : commit
    Commit everything from the index into git history
  • clear : !clear && ls && git status
    A clean git status
  • co : checkout
    Point to a different branch
  • d : diff
    See the current unstaged (red) changes since last commit
  • drop : checkout --
    Delete the unstaged (red) changes
  • f : fetch
    Only fetch the current branch from upstream (but no merge)
  • graph : log --oneline --graph --decorate
    Pretty git logs
  • last : log HEAD~1..HEAD --oneline
    Print the last commit
  • lastdiff : diff HEAD~1 HEAD
    Show the difference between the last commit and the one before
  • list : log --oneline
    A condensed form of the commit log
  • mastiff : log --oneline master..HEAD
    Compare commits between this branch and master
  • new : checkout -b
    Compare commits between this branch and master
  • pr : Some heady bash script... view source for details Creates a pull request off the current branch. Make sure you pushed first!
  • pullrequest : Some heady bash script... view source for details Long form for the above.
  • remaster : ! _current=$(git branch | sed -n -e "s/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p") && git checkout master && git pull && git checkout $_current && git rebase master
    This one is heavy. Pop over to master, pull, pop back to the current branch and rebase master. You might want to stash first.
  • rename : branch -m
    Rename the current branch
  • s : !clear && ls && git status
    A clean git status, same as clear
  • stage : add
    Add files to the staging area (green)
  • unamend : reset --soft HEAD@{1}
    Undo the amend you just did, if you did one
  • uncommit : reset HEAD~1 --soft
    Reset the previous commit's changes back into the staging area (green)
  • unstage : reset
    Move changes out of the stage (green) into the working area (red)