hansmbakker opened this issue · 2 comments
hansmbakker commented
some quick suggestions to make code cleaner:
the Validations class is only used to check for Base64 validity which dotnet has a builtin function for. You could change
if (System.Buffers.Text.Base64.IsValid(imageUrl)) { byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(imageUrl); imageSource = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(imageBytes)); }
and remove the Validations class.
is included in the MAUI community toolkit - you could replace it with that -
there is a lot of manual Markdown parsing in the control - another possibility is to replace your parsing code by implementing a Markdig renderer and thereby focus more on the control code generation part
0xc3u commented
Hi Hans,
Thank you for your suggestions. We will double-check them and keep you posted.
0xc3u commented
- In the new version (1.0.8) we use now "System.Buffers.Text.Base64.IsValid" Thanks for suggestion.
- The Converter is totally removed, because there was no need for it.
- For the moment we stick to our own parsing, maybe later we will move to the markdig parsing.