
Open infra-as-code for a globally distributed Livepeer transcoder.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Open infra-as-code for a globally distributed Livepeer orchestrator/transcoder, using k3s, Helm and EKS.

Version Version License

⚠️ Warning - this repository is not actively maintained and the orchestrator is no longer active.

See these orchestrators as great alternatives to stake with:


  • 🚀 Automated deployment to Kubernetes using Github Actions
  • 📦 Easily integrate single-node k3s clusters with centralized Kubernetes providers
  • 👟 Built on Helm for easy, portable deployment
  • 🌀 Configured using a single .env file and minimal manual steps
  • 🦄 Inspired by best practices from the top Livepeer orchestrators


The open-orchestrator.eth is looking to attract delegator stake in order to get more work on the network!


There are a few resources for delegators to monitor the current performance for open-orchestrator.eth.

  • The open-orchestrator.eth account on Livepeer's Explorer page shows current protocol-level metrics for the orchestrator.

  • The Grafana dashboards are public and show more detailed off-chain metrics related to ongoing transcoding work and compute resources.

Orchestrator Improvement Proposals

Whenever a protocol-level change is being considered, or significant change to the off-chain orchestrator parameters (e.g. price per pixel, max face value for tickets, etc), an Orchestrator Improvement Proposal (OIP) must be submitted by the maintainer(s) or by a delegator. This will consist of a PR similar to OIP-1's which outlines the proposed changes and the reasoning for the change.

The community will be given seven (7) days to leave comments on the PR before it is merged and executed. If you are a delegator, please turn notifications on for PRs, so you can participate in these discussions.



First, install the npm dependencies that are used in templating/deployment.

yarn install

Copy the .env.example to .env and modify the values. Many of the values are documented and/or straightforward. However, a few will need extra steps to configure.

The DOMAIN you configure will need to be imported into your AWS account to be managed in Route53. This domain will be used and subdomains will be created under it for the RPC endpoint and Grafana. To create the hosted zone in Route53, run:

aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name "domain.xyz." --caller-reference "external-dns-$(date +%s)"

The ETH_ADDRESS is the public address of your orchestrator - it will have to be generated from a private key. If you have already registered as an orchestrator before, you can use this public address. If not, use the following commands to generate a new public/private key:

> docker run -d --name "geth" ethereum/client-go
> docker exec -it geth geth account new

Path of the secret key file: /root/.ethereum/keystore/...

> docker exec -it geth cat /root/.ethereum/keystore/... > orchestrator.json

Note the password you used - you will need it to run the orchestrator reward node (as documented in detail here).

You will also need to run the above commands again to generate a "worker" public/private key, which is used on the actual transcoding machines to ensure that the main account keys are secure. Replace orchestrator.json above with key.json. Once you generate another JSON key with a different password, set the JSON_KEY_PASSWORD value in .env to this password.

The NODE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and NODE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are generated by creating a new IAM user with programmatic access, with the roles defined in custom-role.json. Be sure to change livepeer-open-orchestrator to the name of your project!

Lastly, you will need to register for ftkuhnsman's RPC endpoint and use the API key provided in your .env. This will first require you to stake LPT and become an active orchestrator, which is not covered in these docs. Please see the Livepeer Discord for help with this.

The passwords used in the config should be unique, long, and randomly generated.

Cluster Creation

k3s (Self-Hosted Kubernetes)

If you would like to create k3s clusters, continue with this section. You'll first need to install k3s on the node which you would like to use as your main server. You must configure k3s to use Docker in order to take advantage of the NVIDIA container runtime by following the runtime installation guide. You will need to make sure to add the default-runtime to /etc/docker/daemon.json. Once that is complete, you can use:

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --docker --disable traefik --node-external-ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
# this copies the k3s config to override your global kubectl config!
cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml > ~/.kube/config
# this copies the kube config to the clipboard for use in github actions
cat ~/.kube/config | base64 | pbcopy

The node IP should be your external static IP for the node you are running. Note: this may not be necessary depending on the environment you are running in. The --docker flag ensures that the k3s pods run in Docker, which allows for the NVIDIA runtime.

The /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml config can be used to connect remotely (just be sure to open the 6443 port to the node).

You should be able to use this kubeconfig to connect to the node and deploy the Kubernetes charts!

You will also need to open up the ports for services running in the cluster - for the secondary clusters, you will need to open 8935, 10901. For the main cluster, you will also need 80 and 443.

EKS (Managed Kubernetes)

If you would like to create EKS clusters (and not use another provider), continue with this section. You'll first need to install the AWS CLI and eksctl:

brew tap weaveworks/tap
brew install weaveworks/tap/eksctl

Create the EKS cluster in the "main" region which you have defined (in this repo, we have defined us-east-1 or Virginia as the main region).

aws configure
yarn create:eks:virginia

This will set up AWS credentials locally and use eksctl to create an EKS cluster. You will be able to see the new cluster in us-east-1 your EKS dashboard.

You will also need to create an S3 bucket to hold the Thanos historical metrics (which allows metrics to be shared between regional clusters).

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket $PROJECT_NAME --region us-east-1 --acl private

This will create an S3 bucket with the project name as the title, which is necessary for Thanos to use when querying/writing metrics to storage.

Secret Creation

After you create each cluster, you will have to handle some manual secret configuration. Run the following command:

kubectl create secret generic json-private-key --from-file=key.json=orchestrator.json

You will also need to create the rpc-auth secret in the main cluster only, which is used by NGINX to authenticate requests to the Arbitrum node.

htpasswd -c auth orchestrator
kubectl create secret generic rpc-auth --from-file=auth

These are the only secrets you need in manual configuration!


To deploy to a cluster, run the following command depending on your desired environment (more environments can be added easily, if you would like to customize the regions to deploy to):

yarn deploy:{{geolocation}}

The CI configuration provides a good example of how deployment works and the dependencies required (Skaffold, Helm, etc).


If you're interested in forking this project, please consider submitting useful PRs back to this repo for improvements for the community!


Licensed under the Apache License - free to copy/modify/fork as desired.