
A .NET wrapper for Google's RE2 regular expression library

Primary LanguageC++



Re2.Net is a .NET wrapper for Google's RE2 regular expression library. It has the benefit of also being a mostly drop-in replacement for .NET's System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace.

What does 'drop-in replacement' mean? Simple. If you have a project that uses the .NET Regex, Match, Group, Capture, or associated classes, you can add a reference to Re2.Net.dll, replace using System.Text.RegularExpressions with using Re2.Net, and more often than not, It Just Works.

For a list of things that Re2.Net doesn't support (yet), see below.


Re2.Net now targets .NET Framework 4.5.2 and is compiled using the Visual C++ 2015 runtime (VC140). It still compiles under .NET 3.5 and Visual C++ 2008 as well.

x86 and x64 platforms are both supported, but because the underlying RE2 library is unmanaged code, each platform requires its own DLL.


Re2.Net is now distributed under the same permissive 3-clause BSD license as RE2 itself. If for some reason those terms still don't work for you, contact me at coltblackmore+re2.net@gmail.com.

Building C++/CLI from source can be a finicky process, especially with older .NET versions (like 3.5) and VC++ compilers (like 2008). If you just want binaries, use the Download link above. The LICENSES file and XML documentation are included.

If you are interested in building from source, see the C++/CLI Notes and Lib Requirements sections at the top of Regex.h. It all seems to work much better in recent versions of Visual Studio.


Russ Cox, one of the RE2 authors, has written a stellar series on the challenges of implementing regular expressions and the virtues of the RE2 approach. For a brief overview, see the description at the public RE2 repository.

In short, RE2 is automata-driven and uses NFAs and DFAs to find matches. This method guarantees linear running time and bounded memory consumption, but doesn't support backreferences or generalized assertions (lookahead and lookbehind).

.NET, on the other hand, uses a typical backtracking implementation. This method guarantees neither running time (whence the Regex.MatchTimeout property) nor memory consumption, and can even result in catastrophic failure, but it allows for backreferences and generalized assertions.

  • All IsMatch(), Match(), and Matches() methods accept byte[] in addition to string arguments. Note that when matching a byte[], Capture.Index and Capture.Length refer to the byte[], and not the string returned by Capture.Value. In practice, this means that

    Debug.Assert(Regex.Match("水DŽ", "水DŽ").Length == 2);
    Debug.Assert(Regex.Match(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("水DŽ"), "水DŽ").Length == 5);

    will both pass, and in both cases Capture.Value is "水DŽ".

  • Re2.Net adds RegexOptions for explicit support of Latin-1 and ASCII, as well as a POSIX mode. See Different in Re2.Net for more about encodings.

  • By combining byte[] arguments with RegexOptions.Latin1 (or RegexOptions.ASCII, for byte values 0-127), Re2.Net provides true byte-level searching.

  • Because RE2 is automata-driven, in Re2.Net Regex memory consumption is configurable using the maxMemory constructor parameter.

  • Re2.Net constructors and static matching methods have no matchTimeout parameter, because RE2 is immune to the problem (catastrophic failure) that the matchTimeout parameter solves. The Regex.MatchTimeout property has accordingly been removed.

  • RE2 accepts most, but not all, .NET Regex syntax. For the full list, see the RE2 Syntax page. One notable difference between RE2 and .NET Regex is the format for named capturing groups. RE2 uses (?P<name>regex), while .NET Regex allows both (?<name>regex) and (?'name'regex). Neither accepts the other's syntax.

  • RE2 doesn't allow Unicode in named capturing groups. (?<水>regex) is legal for .NET Regex, but RE2 won't accept it (or rather, won't accept (?P<水>regex)).

  • RE2 only retains the final Capture of each Group. In other words, Regex.Match("abcd", "(ab|cd)+") captures "abcd" for the Match, but only "cd" for the Group. In .NET Regex, the Group would hold two captures: "ab" and "cd". (Of course, 99% of the time you only care about capturing the Match as a whole. Re2.Net provides RegexOptions.SingleCapture for just such occasions.)

  • Although an implementation detail, it should be noted that RE2 only accepts UTF-8 and Latin-1 encodings, while .NET encodes all strings in UTF-16. Re2.Net resolves this discrepancy by converting the UTF-16 .NET strings to UTF-8, Latin-1, or ASCII (a subset of Latin-1), depending on the chosen RegexOptions. In general there's no need to give any thought to this, but in the specific case of searching a byte[] for a UTF-16 pattern, Re2.Net will fail to find a match because the UTF-16 pattern has been converted to UTF-8 while the byte[] has not. In the future I may add RegexOptions.UTF16 and RegexOptions.UTF8 to allow users to make their intent clear, and, if RegexOptions.UTF16 is combined with a byte[] argument, throw an exception. In the meantime, avoid combining byte[] arguments with patterns that you require to be UTF-16-encoded.

  • Some RegexOptions from .NET Regex are not present in Re2.Net (and vice-versa).

  • The Regex.Replace() and Match.Result() methods are not yet supported, but will be.

  • Serialization is not currently supported. RE2 constructs its automata more efficiently than a .NET Regex can be deserialized, so there isn't much reason to add this other than as a compatibility layer.

  • Re2.Net depends on native code and won't run anywhere that the native code can't run (Silverlight, Mono, etc.).

  • Tests. A small C# benchmarking project is included in the source, but thorough tests haven't been written yet.

The Rest

Everything not listed above should line right up. Here are a few examples of .NET Regex quirks that Re2.Net emulates:

// Five matches, each with a value of "".
Debug.Assert(Regex.Matches("xxxx", "").Count == 5);

// Accessing an array (technically, the default Item property) with a negative index? Yup!
Debug.Assert(Regex.Matches("xxxx", "")[0].Groups[-1].Value == "");

// The returned Match containes a Group collection, and the first item in the Group collection is the Match.
var match = Regex.Match("abcd", "abcd");
Debug.Assert((Group)match == match.Groups[0]);


The Re2.Net.Test project pits Re2.Net against .NET Regex where each is strongest: searching strings, for .NET Regex, and for Re2.Net, searching bytes. The testing method is as follows:

  • The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain (mtent12.txt) is loaded as a byte array for Re2.Net and then encoded as a .NET string for .NET Regex.
  • The encoding process isn't included in the measurement, so the comparison shows each library at its best. (In the real world, .NET Regex suffers from having to encode anything that isn't a .NET string, and Re2.Net suffers from having to encode anything that is a .NET string.)
  • Performance is measured across 16 regular expressions, taken from Performance comparison of regular expression engines at the the PCRE-sljit project. These expressions aren't pathological -- if anything, they're overly simple.
  • Each expression is tested 5 times (discontinuously, to flush the cache), and then the median (not the average) result is used.
  • The test is performed once for finding the first match (Regex.Match()) and once for finding all matches (Regex.Matches()).

A direct string-to-string comparison is also now included.

Interpreting the Results

  • Twain (First Match) demonstrates the cost of RE2's setup and switching between managed and unmanaged code. Because the first instance of Twain ends a mere 64 positions into the input, .NET Regex manages to find it before Re2.Net can even call into the underlying RE2 library. Search for Twain (All Matches), on the other hand, and Re2.Net recovers nicely, running twice as fast as .NET Regex.
  • The above pattern repeats itself throughout the First Match test, so it's clear that for short inputs, Re2.Net sometimes costs more in setup and unmanaged overhead than it saves in algorithmic efficiency. (Of course, if the cost of encoding bytes into a .NET string is included, Re2.Net routinely wins by a factor of thousands, given an input of this size.)
  • The All Matches test confirms that once the duration of a search exceeds Re2.Net's setup and unmanaged overhead, it quickly outpaces .NET Regex, and by significant margins for non-trivial expressions.
  • The string-to-string comparisons illustrate the cost of converting .NET's UTF-16 strings into something RE2 can consume. Depending on the size of the input, for IsMatch(string) and Match(string) it may only make sense to use Re2.Net with more complex expressions. Certainly this is the case with mtent12.txt, which is 20 MB. For Matches(string), on the other hand, Re2.Net still wins more often than not, and by large margins.

Conclusion: Re2.Net excels at searching raw data, like files or scraped web pages. For simple expressions and very long inputs that already exist as strings, .NET Regex may still be the better option (assuming linear running time, bounded memory consumption, and immunity to pathological expressions aren't considerations). When searching strings rather than raw data, the characteristics of both the expression and the likely inputs should be taken into account before deciding which implementation to use.


First Match

Regular Expression Re2.Net .NET Regex Winner
Twain 0.05 ms 0.003 ms .NET Regex by 16.7x
^Twain 22 ms 4.7 ms .NET Regex by 4.6x
Twain$ 11 ms 26 ms Re2.Net by 2.4x
Huck[a-zA-Z]+|Finn[a-zA-Z]+ 20 ms 122 ms Re2.Net by 6.1x
a[^x]{20}b 0.5 ms 0.007 ms .NET Regex by 69.9x
Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn 0.2 ms 1.3 ms Re2.Net by 5.7x
.{0,3}(Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn) 0.7 ms 20 ms Re2.Net by 26.2x
[a-zA-Z]+ing 0.05 ms 0.05 ms Re2.Net by 1.1x
^[a-zA-Z]{0,4}ing[^a-zA-Z] 0.2 ms 2.3 ms Re2.Net by 9.6x
[a-zA-Z]+ing$ 107 ms 7300 ms Re2.Net by 68.2x
^[a-zA-Z ]{5,}$ 110 ms 4001 ms Re2.Net by 36.4x
^.{16,20}$ 0.4 ms 0.3 ms .NET Regex by 1.3x
([a-f](.[d-m].){0,2}[h-n]){2} 0.2 ms 0.02 ms .NET Regex by 9.1x
([A-Za-z]awyer|[A-Za-z]inn)[^a-zA-Z] 2.9 ms 135 ms Re2.Net by 46.2x
"[^"]{0,30}[?!.]" 0.8 ms 0.1 ms .NET Regex by 5.6x
Tom.{10,25}river|river.{10,25}Tom 46 ms 332 ms Re2.Net by 7.2x


All Matches

Regular Expression Re2.Net .NET Regex Winner
Twain 14 ms 28 ms Re2.Net by 1.9x
^Twain 121 ms 26 ms .NET Regex by 4.7x
Twain$ 11 ms 27 ms Re2.Net by 2.5x
Huck[a-zA-Z]+|Finn[a-zA-Z]+ 115 ms 651 ms Re2.Net by 5.7x
a[^x]{20}b 578 ms 436 ms .NET Regex by 1.3x
Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn 127 ms 689 ms Re2.Net by 5.4x
.{0,3}(Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn) 133 ms 21152 ms Re2.Net by 158.9x
[a-zA-Z]+ing 215 ms 7195 ms Re2.Net by 33.4x
^[a-zA-Z]{0,4}ing[^a-zA-Z] 122 ms 3104 ms Re2.Net by 25.4x
[a-zA-Z]+ing$ 110 ms 7545 ms Re2.Net by 68.3x
^[a-zA-Z ]{5,}$ 114 ms 4129 ms Re2.Net by 36.3x
^.{16,20}$ 134 ms 3775 ms Re2.Net by 28.2x
([a-f](.[d-m].){0,2}[h-n]){2} 378 ms 3967 ms Re2.Net by 10.5x
([A-Za-z]awyer|[A-Za-z]inn)[^a-zA-Z] 123 ms 5691 ms Re2.Net by 46.3x
"[^"]{0,30}[?!.]" 29 ms 188 ms Re2.Net by 6.4x
Tom.{10,25}river|river.{10,25}Tom 123 ms 921 ms Re2.Net by 7.5x


First Match (Strings)

Regular Expression Re2.Net .NET Regex Winner
Twain 108 ms 0.010 ms .NET Regex by 11290.9x
^Twain 136 ms 5 ms .NET Regex by 25.5x
Twain$ 141 ms 28 ms .NET Regex by 5.0x
Huck[a-zA-Z]+|Finn[a-zA-Z]+ 137 ms 122 ms .NET Regex by 1.1x
a[^x]{20}b 110 ms 0.01 ms .NET Regex by 8826.6x
Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn 111 ms 1.2 ms .NET Regex by 92.3x
.{0,3}(Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn) 106 ms 23 ms .NET Regex by 4.7x
[a-zA-Z]+ing 112 ms 0.06 ms .NET Regex by 1861.7x
^[a-zA-Z]{0,4}ing[^a-zA-Z] 108 ms 1.8 ms .NET Regex by 58.6x
[a-zA-Z]+ing$ 237 ms 7101 ms Re2.Net by 30.0x
^[a-zA-Z ]{5,}$ 230 ms 3431 ms Re2.Net by 14.9x
^.{16,20}$ 109 ms 0.3 ms .NET Regex by 417.2x
([a-f](.[d-m].){0,2}[h-n]){2} 108 ms 0.04 ms .NET Regex by 2859.1x
([A-Za-z]awyer|[A-Za-z]inn)[^a-zA-Z] 114 ms 145 ms Re2.Net by 1.3x
"[^"]{0,30}[?!.]" 107 ms 0.2 ms .NET Regex by 608.6x
Tom.{10,25}river|river.{10,25}Tom 181 ms 323 ms Re2.Net by 1.8x


All Matches (Strings)

Regular Expression Re2.Net .NET Regex Winner
Twain 188 ms 30 ms .NET Regex by 6.3x
^Twain 276 ms 28 ms .NET Regex by 9.8x
Twain$ 130 ms 29 ms .NET Regex by 4.5x
Huck[a-zA-Z]+|Finn[a-zA-Z]+ 265 ms 648 ms Re2.Net by 2.4x
a[^x]{20}b 811 ms 385 ms .NET Regex by 2.1x
Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn 269 ms 711 ms Re2.Net by 2.6x
.{0,3}(Tom|Sawyer|Huckleberry|Finn) 320 ms 24299 ms Re2.Net by 75.9x
[a-zA-Z]+ing 378 ms 6870 ms Re2.Net by 18.2x
^[a-zA-Z]{0,4}ing[^a-zA-Z] 285 ms 2495 ms Re2.Net by 8.8x
[a-zA-Z]+ing$ 226 ms 7070 ms Re2.Net by 31.3x
^[a-zA-Z ]{5,}$ 221 ms 3397 ms Re2.Net by 15.4x
^.{16,20}$ 284 ms 2982 ms Re2.Net by 10.5x
([a-f](.[d-m].){0,2}[h-n]){2} 634 ms 4350 ms Re2.Net by 6.9x
([A-Za-z]awyer|[A-Za-z]inn)[^a-zA-Z] 313 ms 5613 ms Re2.Net by 17.9x
"[^"]{0,30}[?!.]" 196 ms 209 ms Re2.Net by 1.1x
Tom.{10,25}river|river.{10,25}Tom 251 ms 882 ms Re2.Net by 3.5x