A CLI tool to interact with Raydium pools and make swaps.
Rust and Cargo installation.
Run cargo run help
Usage: swap [CLUSTER] <COMMAND>
swap Perform a swap against wSOL
simulate-swap TODO: Simulate a WSOL swap
fetch-pools Dump pool details from `https://api.raydium.io/v2/sdk/liquidity/mainnet.json`
fetch-prices Fetch token prices from `https://api.raydium.io/v2/main/price`
get-price-usd Gets the price of a token in USD
get-price-sol Gets the price of a token in SOL
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
[CLUSTER] URL for Solana's JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
testnet, devnet, localhost] [default: mainnet]
or cargo run <Command> --help
for a specific command. e,g cargo run swap --help
Usage: swap swap [OPTIONS] --keypair <KEYPAIR> --in-token <IN_TOKEN> --out-token <OUT_TOKEN> --amount-in <AMOUNT_IN>
--keypair <KEYPAIR>
Path to the provider keypair file
--in-token <IN_TOKEN>
Pubkey of the input token mint
--out-token <OUT_TOKEN>
Pubkey of the output token mint
--amount-in <AMOUNT_IN>
Amount of input tokens provided by the user for a swap.
--fee-percentage <FEE_PERCENTAGE>
The (optional) percentage charged as fee on each trade
--fee-vault <FEE_VAULT>
The (optional) vault fee tokens are sent to
--pool-cache <POOL_CACHE>
The (optional) path to the json file that stores information on raydium pools
--price-cache <PRICE_CACHE>
The (optional) Path to the file that stores information on token prices
--slippage <SLIPPAGE>
The (optional) slippage tolerance percentage. Default is 0.5% [default: 0.5]
--allow-unofficial <ALLOW_UNOFFICIAL>
(Optional) Allow interactions with non-official Raydium pools. Default is false [possible values: true, false]
-h, --help
RUST_LOG=info cargo run swap --keypair ./provider.json --in-token EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v --out-token So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112 --amount-in 1
This codebase relies on API requests to Raydium endpoint to fetch the correct liquidity-pool addresses for a swap and
the price of tokens. This information is saved to pool-cache
(for lp-addresses) and price-cache
(for token prices)
json files. Subsequent runs can specify these files to prevent having to make (relatively) time-wasting calls to
retrieve the same data.
The pool-cache information is saved to ./pools.json
while the price-cache information is saved to ./prices.json
The pool-cache
should rarely need to be updated for most program runs. However, price is constantly changing and should be
updated more frequently. The request to fetch price-information takes much less time than for lp-information.
The allow-unofficial
argument defaults to false
which limits the number of available pools for a swap. To avoid this,
explicitly pass in this argument with a true